We are coming to the end of the year and that is crunch time for a lot of automobile dealers. They want to get rid of the old cars and bring in the new year’s models. This means the consumer gets a chance for some very good bargains. The dealership is also going to offer the possibility of a warranty on parts and services. It will allow for substantial discounts on automotive components as well as labor. These cost several thousand dollars in some cases, and the warranty is a legal document. Having a lawyer interpret the warranty is a group legal plan service that any automobile buyer would appreciate.
Misunderstandings Can Accidentally Arise.
Some of these warranties are extremely good. They can provide service guarantees for several years and up to certain mileage thresholds (e.g. some warranties are good until 60,000 miles have been driven). However, the warranties can be very specific. They may state that only OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) parts be used or that work be done at certain automotive service centers. Failure to comply may result in a warranty being invalidated. The language of the warranty can be confusing. A very important group legal services benefit would be for the attorney to interpret the warranty for its owner. That way, a group legal plan member cannot accidentally violate the terms of the warranty. The attorney can explain exactly what is allowed and will be covered.
Further Explanation May Be Needed
Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has been designing group legal plan benefits since 1987. We know that legal language can be very confusing for some people. It is why the attorneys who are part of the Personal Legal Protector Plan will carefully explain terms and conditions outlined in the warranty. Both the plan member and the car dealer could be confused about what is required. A Countrywide attorney is able to send correspondence on behalf of the plan member to the car manufacturer, asking for an explanation of the content. Receiving a request on legal letterhead stationery can motivate the car manufacturer to respond as quickly as possible.
The attorney is essentially playing the role of mediator in all of this. A misunderstood warranty can cause a lot of harsh feelings, and even result in a consumer complaint. A Countrywide attorney wants to get a solution to the problem. He or she is going to look at the warranty objectively, and guide the plan member in the proper direction. Being able to clear the air can prevent altercations between a person and the dealership. This makes such group legal services important.
Considerate Service Is a Countrywide Quality
Not understanding the language can cause a lot of frustration. Countrywide attorneys explain stipulations of the warranty carefully. If the attorney is allowed to review the warranty before service is requested, it saves an awful lot of trouble. No plan member has to wait for this type of group legal services benefit. Countrywide makes a point of seeing to it that there is quick response, and very easy administration. That is something that every client likes to see. We also realize that every organization has specific needs. It is why we allow clients to tell us what they like to see in the design. What they want will be in the final product.
Warranties on cars can be very pricey. They are worth the cost if the service and discount provisions can be executed. Having a Countrywide attorney interpret the warranty assures that service is rendered as it should. Our benefits are intended to provide the type of group legal services that a person can benefit from using.
We have a variety of legal options that can be part of a group legal plan, and we encourage people to call and ask questions about them. Please feel free to contact us today!