
A Cornerstone of Financial Planning A Simple Will Makes Estates Manageable

Employees have a bucket list of resolutions they want to achieve. Many objectives are matters which have been delayed, and now people are intent on getting stuff done. Financial planning is an important topic of the annual to-do list.

Financial planners have many ideas and suggestions their clients can use. Retirement is something employees over 40 are concerned about. Professionals recommend part of a retirement plan should be drafting a will, something many group legal plans are glad to do. Employers help an individual prepare for those golden years by offering a group legal plan. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services provides this benefit, and it includes a simple will option.

Avoiding Probate Hell

Those who do not have a will are doing their loved ones no favors. The estate becomes the playground of the probate court and turtles run faster. The probate court will appoint an administrator who reports directly to the court. Everything will move at a plodding pace.

The survivors might wait for months or even years before a final settlement. Expenses such as college tuition can be affected. The state can also become an emotional battleground when the deceased’s wishes are unknown. Countrywide wants to help a group legal plan member avoid all the emotional drama.

Our Lawyers Draft Simple Wills

Countrywide has a nationwide network of attorneys. These people provide the pre-paid legal plan services, and one is in each community of a Countrywide client.

Simple wills are only a few pages long, which is sufficient for most people. Countrywide attorneys give plan members priority status and arranging a conference with social distancing is easy.

Communication Skills Matter A Lot

Listening is a critical skill our attorneys have. They will listen carefully to a plan member and note that person’s wishes. All questions about creating a simple will are answered thoroughly.

Death is a weighty subject; many do not want to discuss it. Our lawyers are sensitive to the needs of all plan members. A Countrywide professional carefully goes over all the issues of a will. There is no need to rush, and a person can speak freely. Additional questions on a given matter can be submitted after the meeting to the attorney at no extra charge. The attorney can also write letters and make telephone calls for the plan member if additional information is necessary.

Side-By-Side with the Client

A group legal plan should be tailored to meet the needs of a client’s workforce. Countrywide believes that working closely with the client will produce a benefit all employees will enjoy. We will explain all our services to a prospective client and answer any questions the decision-makers might have. We then asked the client to select the pre-paid legal services benefit options that the client would like to see in the final document. We include everything that the client would want. We back up all the selections with a streamlined administration and world-class member services. Countrywide will do its absolute best to provide the very best service to all employees.

Employees would like to have an organization provide the kind of benefits that will help with financial planning. The simple wills we draft takes a lot of pressure off the group legal plan member. It means that the final wishes of a person are respected and carried out. Clients appreciate the work that Countrywide does. Many commented favorably about how we treat their employees. Everyone gets the best service from Countrywide; it is our commitment to you.

If you have any questions about our pre-paid legal services benefits, please feel free to contact us at your convenience. We would welcome the opportunity to speak with you and explain our services. We are a leader in the industry, and we can help your employees.

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