Always be Careful with the Plastic The proper use of credit cards is an essential part of financial wellness. People will use their plastic because they do not want to carry around large sums of money and that makes it a personal safety issue. There are times when you…
Articles Posted in Consumer
Consultation Is Excellent Legal Service!
A Helping Relationship is formed Group legal plan vendors are quick to point out all of their benefit options. They attempt to dazzle decision-makers with what the attorneys can do for employees. These people will also bring attention to the favorable comments received. It is all very nice, but what…
You Have a Right to Consumer Justice!
Getting it May Require Some Help Caveat Emptor, “Let the Buyer Beware” is an unwritten law of the marketplace that has been in effect for centuries. It is true that consumers have to be a little bit cautious when they make their purchases and not always trust the advertising. Nevertheless,…
Safeguarding the Warranty
Consumers have Rights Consumers by and large are trusting people. They will believe that a sales associate is not deliberately trying to deceive them when it comes to the purchase of a product. When offered the possibility of purchasing a warranty against future damage, a buyer will many times include…
Warranties are Made to Be Respected
A warranty is meant to sweeten the deal. Whenever a consumer goes shopping for major appliances, he or she can expect the sales associate to suggest a warranty as part of the transaction. These provide service and possible replacement if the product becomes defective. It seems to be a very…
Translation can Prevent Litigation
Attorneys know the true meaning of the words It is popularly known as “legalese” and it can read like a riddle wrapped inside a puzzle. The language of the law can be very confusing for the average consumer. So many phrases are in Latin and these are not very easy…
Protection from Faulty Merchandise
Consumer Protection is a Valued Legal Benefit A major automobile company recently announced the recall of hundreds of thousands of cars. It was the result of defects in the vehicle and it made the evening news nationwide. Large stories like that are newsworthy but they are not the only instance…
Defending the Warranty with Good Legal Guidance
Attorneys can assist in obtaining the service Warranties are offers of service and are ordinarily part of a final sale. The manufacturer or retail company promises that certain services will be performed if and when over a period of time the item proves to be defective. They will include a…
Standing up for Your Consumer Rights
The Personal Legal Protector Plan Is There for Help The signs of the holiday shopping season are starting to be seen. Consumers may think it’s a little bit odd, but for retail establishments the Christmas season is where they make the greatest profit. Unfortunately, it is also the time when…