
Articles Posted in financial wellness


Dealing with a Financial Nightmare Countrywide Ends the Emergency

The holiday shopping season is about to begin. Many people are excited and a little Christmas spirit helps get folks out of a funk. Some employees, unfortunately, are profoundly depressed and worried. These have personal debts, which have stressed their budgets to the breaking point. They face bankruptcy or foreclosure.…


Better Financial Management is Possible Countrywide Helps Balance Personal Ledgers

Making money is always exciting but managing it can be frightening. Employees appreciate being paid and, ordinarily, the wages received are sufficient to cover daily living expenses. Managing financial resources should not be difficult, but sometimes people lose control of their money, which creates problems.   How Is It Being…


Helping a Stressed-Out Mind Remote Workers Can Use Some Relief

COVID-19 has changed the working lives of many Americans. The workplace has become a space where facemasks, sanitizers, and newly erected cubicles are used to make people safer. Remote working, doing your business from home and not the office, looks appealing, but it has its drawbacks.   Organizations are starting…


College Debt Can Be Managed It Is Not Difficult with Countrywide Help

College graduates are getting a well-appreciated reprieve from college loan payments. The government is permitting a payment holiday for federal college loans, which reduces the stress on personal finances. This holiday, unfortunately, is short-term. Financial obligations will return later.   A Heavy Load   College loans are a dark cloud…

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