Personal finances can be a significant source of stress and worry. It is not always easy to balance the books and people are often required to live from paycheck to paycheck. Any sudden emergency can upset matters and lead to private chaos. Too many bills and money concerns can disrupt…
Articles Posted in financial wellness
Making Better College Loan Decisions – Education Can be Affordable
The academic year is now in full swing. Students are filling up the classrooms in colleges and universities and they are acquiring the knowledge they need for their future careers. They’re also acquiring debt which will affect career decisions. College Debt Harms Financial Wellness Tuition and living expenses…
Eliminating a Debt Crisis – Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services Will Help Make It Happen
Enormous debt balances may come on gradually. People get used to paying for everything, including groceries, with credit cards. It doesn’t take long for the purchases and the double-digit interest charged to create a sizable balance of credit card debt. An emergency medical bill could do the same damage. Financial…
Providing the Best Information – Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is a Great Source
People will make bad decisions and financial wellness suffers. They decide to use forbearance to manage a college loan or pay a medical bill before the health insurer has paid its share. It is unfair to say those with debt are frivolous spenders. However, it is safe to assume they…
Reducing a College Burden – Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services Helps Make Debt Manageable
The start of the new school year reminds many recent college graduates of an obligation they must meet. They financed their education through a series of loans that met the cost of tuition and other expenses, but that left them in a mess. The financial wellness of many is under…
Credit Cards Have Some Dark Secrets – Be Careful When You Use Them
Consumers enjoy using credit cards. It is certainly convenient to buy with plastic and it is much safer than carrying a lot of cash. Nevertheless, credit cards can be dangerous in the hands of the wrong person. Even though credit cards make shopping easier, they pose a serious threat to…
What is the Secret? – Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services Knows How to Assist
Financial wellness is elusive for some of us. It seems as if as soon the books are balanced, there is a major medical bill or credit card invoice in the mailbox. Unexpected debt will cause carefully made financial plans to go out the window. No one wants to lose control…
Don’t Allow Deductibles to Frighten You – Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services Will Help You Deal with Them
The Los Angeles Times recently reported about a growing dissatisfaction with medical deductibles. Middle-class families are being squeezed by deductibles of $5000 or more. These costs can result in financial wellness emergencies as people struggle to pay a sizable bill. The Increasing Debt Load Deductibles are reinstated annually. If you…
Taking Care of an Emergency – Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services Can Help with the Unexpected
Sudden expenses can cause anxiety and panic. The emotions lead to poor decisions which will cause even greater problems. Those who do not understand how to manage their money can be in a state of confusion and stress. Their financial wellness can be in trouble. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services wants…
Budgets Promote Financial Wellness – Controlling Where the Cash is Going
Understanding cash flow is a major part of financial wellness. Being aware of where the money is coming from and where it is going to will prevent many emergencies. It is amazing how many people do not appreciate this simple budgeting fact. Budgeting isn’t rocket science, but many employees do…