The new year is a great time to organize your finances. The 2019 calendar year is just starting, and a person can plan for the months ahead. Personal budgets are new territory for some people and financial wellness guidance can help. Starting on the Right Foot People are not always…
Articles Posted in financial wellness
The Credit Bill Cometh – Countrywide Shows How to Handle It
Christmas has come and gone, leaving wrapping paper all over the floor and boxes waiting to be tossed out. It is no secret people enjoy this holiday and they want to be generous with family and friends. A person may become a little too generous and overuse the credit card.…
Why Not Buy A House? – Countrywide Helps Make the Dream Come True
It isn’t too early to plan for buying a house. Spring is the big season for house purchases and right now is a great time to organize finances. This is a major challenge for many first-time shoppers. The house is often the most expensive acquisition an employee will make. This…
Don’t Worry About the New Year’s Deductibles – Countrywide Helps People Manage the Bill
Deductibles are the part of a medical bill the patient is responsible for paying. Standard deductibles have been rising to keep group health premiums down and $5000 deductibles are common. Most people do not understand how deductibles operate. These financial obligations can easily go out of control. Deductibles will renew…
Getting Financial Wellness Education – Countrywide Offers Information You Need to Know
American colleges and universities are graduating some of the most technically astute people in our history. The Z generation grew up with technology and have a better understanding of social media than even their older siblings. Unfortunately, it does not mean that they are masters of all subjects. Personal finances…
You Can Help Employees with Medical Bills – Health Costs Can Be Managed
Medical premiums and expenses are rising, not falling. People are always looking for ways to curb expenses. We commend those employers who have proactive wellness plans. Benefits such as smoking cessation and weight control improve health and lower costs. We suggest that organizations go one step further and address financial…
There are Ways to End Financial Trouble – Countrywide Provides the Best Advice
Debt is often a heavy weight to bear. Credit cards are the common means of paying for gifts and the plastic charges double-digit interest. College graduates face loan debt the size of a house mortgage and medical emergencies are expensive. The debt will cause major stress and anxiety. People will…
Building Financial Wellness- Countrywide Has the Right Tools
Financial wellness plans will help resolve emergencies, but that is only one use for this benefit. A good program enables a person to have better control over their finances and plan for the future. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offers a financial wellness plan. Our benefit includes tools anyone can use…
Ending the Nightmare – You Can Control Expenses
Debt is not always a bad thing. It helps create credit ratings and mortgage debt can reduce a person’s taxes. Trouble rears its head when expenses are more than income and interest accrued drives personal debt higher and higher. The situation gets out of control and will destroy financial wellness…
The Ticking Clock – The College Loan Grace Period is Ending Soon
College loans ordinarily have a six-month grace period. A new graduate doesn’t have to worry about payments and can settle into a new job. However, the clock is ticking for those who graduated in June. The grace period will soon be over, and the bill arrives in the mail. It…