
Articles Posted in financial wellness


Avoiding Middle Age Medical Debt – Countrywide Has the Solution

The standard medical deductible has slowly risen over time. It is understandable because organizations want to keep their medical costs under control. Younger employees might not notice this. They are healthy and do not use the group health insurance that often. Older employees do, and their medical bills can consequently…


Helping with Open Enrollment-Deductible Increases Can Be Managed

Open enrollment is beginning for many organizations. Employees will have the opportunity to sign up for medical insurance or make changes in their current coverage. Many people enter this feeling depressed. Their employer might be raising premiums or deductibles. The employer share of certain medical procedures could be reduced, requiring…


Why Financial Wellness – Employees Appreciate it

We understand how organizations do not want boutique employee benefits. These are trendy and flashy, and their ability to attract and retain good employees is questionable. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has been offering employee benefits for more than 30 years. We know how important it is to offer benefits people…

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