American consumers love plastic. It is easy to use those credit cards and safer than carrying large amounts of money. Retailers like credit cards since people usually spend more when they use them. Special programs and bonus points encourage folks to reach for the card whenever they shop. Unfortunately, the…
Articles Posted in financial wellness
Managing Financial Emergencies There are Ways to do It
We are pretty much done with the pandemic years. Covid 19 is still with us, but recent job figures are reassuring. Unemployment is currently not a problem. Americans can feel relieved but must stay concerned about the future. New storm clouds are gathering. Inflation and Interest Rates The June inflation…
Beating College Debt Blues Countrywide Helps You Do It
People with college debt are worried with good reason. They are dealing with a debt load that takes years to pay off. Life decisions such as buying a house or starting a family can be delayed for years. There does not seem to be an easy way out. Dealing with…
Will I Ever Own a House? Countrywide Offers Some Ideas
We understand why folks get anxious about the cost of everything. America has not seen the recent inflation figures in decades. The cost of living affects everyone. Sadly, rising prices are hurting plans. It is easy to get depressed and be resigned to not being able to own a house,…
Getting Your Finances in Order Great Advice Makes It Easy
Half of the year has gone by, and this is a time for evaluating progress. People set financial goals in January and take a moment now to assess how they are doing. Changes or modifications might be needed to clear any obstacles. Facing a Challenge Everyone is feeling the effects…
Budgeting Due Diligence There are Some Important Steps
We did not get good news from the Consumer Price Index in May. Inflation went up 8.6% from last year, the highest rate in over 40 years. Washington has promised to do something about inflation, but we do not know when we will see positive results. In the meantime, consumers…
Think Carefully About College Debt There are Ways to Handle It
A lot of excitement has been generated by recent news. The US Department of Education canceled nearly $5.8 billion in outstanding student loans, affecting over 500,000 people in debt. It is a fantastic development but look again before you celebrate. The cancellations affected former students of Corinthian Colleges. This…
Companion Benefits Enhance Quality They Provide a Little Extra
Experienced gardeners will tell you that the yield of ordinary garden vegetables is enhanced by companion plants. For example, placing basil next to a tomato plant will improve the quality of the taste and permit you to grow larger tomatoes. The same can be said about employee benefits. Organizations have…
An Asset Inventory is Valuable Discovering Your Full Value
The rising inflation rates are on everyone’s minds, and the costs affect a lot of decisions. Employees are worried about being able to meet certain charges, and they are not sure if their paychecks can cover everything. The reason for this stress is that the average person does not know…
Finding the Right Mortgage Good Financing is Essential
If San Diego, California can be used as any predictor, both house prices and mortgage rates will go up in the future. Inflation is a bear, and things will not get much better soon. It can cause people who want to buy a house to temporarily give up hope of…