A new employee benefit is only as good as its services. Employees appreciate the additional perk, but positive feelings will fade if a plan member must do all the work. It is essential to ask a vendor about the primary benefits and what other services are offered to enhance a…
Articles Posted in Group Legal plans
Look Out for Your Seniors Loyalty and Good Service Matters
They are the old war horses of the organization. Employees who are in their fifties or older, and who have been reliable and productive for years, deserve respect and a little bit more. These veterans of countless staff meetings require some help with legal issues. Guarding the Estate Older employees …
Tell Them What You Want A Living Will Permits You
Nobody likes to think of it, but devastating accidents can happen. These will come unannounced and wreak havoc on the unprepared. The medical emergency might leave the victim unresponsive. Wishes Ignored It is not true that everyone wants the same medical treatment. Patients who embrace different lifestyles might…
Government Help is Possible Countrywide Will Clear a Path
We want to think that everyone is honest and ethical. It is sad, but that is not always the case. Some are quite willing to take advantage of unsuspecting consumers. Warranties might not be honored and purchased products can have serious flaws. Landlords might be using outdated rental leases or…
You Are the One Who Decides The Advantages of a Simple Will
People get a bit nervous about the subject of a last will and testament. It centers on death and no one has control over when that will happen. However, everyone does have the opportunity to make choices when a simple will has been drafted. You get to decide who gets…
Defending Against Cyber Piracy Keeping the Internet Thieves at Bay
Identity theft is a fact of life in our society. Firewalls have been breached and security systems compromised in all industries, especially finance and retail. Periodically changing passwords and upgrading the security helps, but cyber theft continues. The pandemic has added a new wrinkle to the emergency. More employees…
Give Your Employees What They Can Use They Will Appreciate the Effort
Changes in the workplace were going on before the pandemic. A greater concern for employees and the need for emotional intelligence are becoming more essential as organizations adapt to a new normal. It is all for the better, but changes must have value to be accepted. Additional benefits are standard…
Being Ready for Disaster Countrywide Prepares People
Death might come in a flash or months. A cardiac arrest may leave a person in a vegetative state. That is a personal disaster, but a much more significant problem will affect loved ones. No Communication People must communicate their wishes to a hospital or healthcare facility. There may be…
You Must Protect Yourself The Internet Pirates are Everywhere.
We must accept a tech reality: hacking is not going away. It is a multi-billion-dollar industry that has many players, and some might be your neighbors. Hacking and identity theft uses all kinds of tools. It can be as simple as someone looking over your shoulder at the debit machine…
Preparing for the Inevitable Protecting the Family in the Process
Family security should be there long after you are gone. Finances are a significant issue, and immediate access to an estate is essential. That economic priority is why group legal plans offer a chance to have a simple will drafted. You Can Avoid the Estate Chaos A simple will is…