Society has an orderly process that legal documents help manage. Leases, warranties, and licenses are all papers that guide daily living. Trouble can arise when documents are misunderstood. Many group legal plans provide services for reviewing legal documents. It is an essential pre-paid legal services benefit for many reasons. Spotting…
Articles Posted in Group Legal plans
Make Those Warranties Work! With a Little Help from Countrywide
Warranties help people with repair costs. These expenses can be significant if the damaged product is a washing machine or automobile. Many will purchase more when they buy a big-ticket item to help pay for repair costs. Things might be going wrong with that major Christmas present. The buyer may…
The Little Things Do Matter Countrywide is Here to Help
People will sometimes think that legal services are all about jury trials. Although courtroom dramas are entertaining, most legal work is not performed in the courtroom. Instead, it is the processing of paperwork and the advice which is given by skilled professionals. Paper abounds in the legal world. Titles…
A Cornerstone of Financial Planning A Simple Will Makes Estates Manageable
Employees have a bucket list of resolutions they want to achieve. Many objectives are matters which have been delayed, and now people are intent on getting stuff done. Financial planning is an important topic of the annual to-do list. Financial planners have many ideas and suggestions their clients can use.…
A New Year with New Rules Countrywide Helps Interpret New Government Regulations
Change is coming for better or worse; public agencies may start the year with new guidelines and procedures. These developments can be a big hassle for employees and a challenge for some group legal plans. Mistakes Can Happen Government employees are not trying to act mysterious. They need to apply…
Helping Loved Ones Cope Do not Make Them Suffer
Employees care about their loved ones. They want them to be happy and financially safe. People will have last wills prepared to assure their family benefits from the estate. There is another type of will that is essential for protecting survivors: the living will, and group legal plans offer…
Good Service Relies on Communication More Than a Chat Room
Group legal plans provide a needed service. There are legal issues that require a professional’s advice and experience. People appreciate having simple wills drafted and suggestions on how to deal with bureaucrats. However, there is more to providing high quality, pre-paid legal services. All Forms of Communication A…
Paper Folly There are Ways to Avoid Major Mistakes
Document review is an essential legal assignment. Companies ask law firms to review contracts and determine if a court case needs to be filed. The reviewed document can be hundreds of pages long. Ordinary people do not require in-depth reviews. A maximum of six pages is usually sufficient. Some group…
You Deserve Those Services! You Paid for Them
Folks are upset with the government. Lockdowns and restrictions caused by coronavirus are frustrating, and many wonder if their tax dollars are being properly spent. Red tape and delays appear to be the new normal. The government provides services that people need. Tutors, transport vans, healthcare aides, and other means…
The Curse of the Living Dead A Strong Case for a Living Will
It might sound like the title for a low-budget horror film, but the reality is much worse. A comatose person, referred to as a flat liner by the medical staff, can be in a vegetative state for months and possibly years. It creates hell on earth for the family. …