
Articles Posted in Group Legal plans


Communications Will Influence Service Quality – Plan Members Appreciate a Rapport

It’s ridiculous, but there are group legal plans that try to cut corners with communications. They will use slideshows, emails, or webpages to tell plan members what to do or to convey messages to other parties. What is forgotten in these attempts is the importance of good communications when it…


Countrywide Will Give Referrals – Outside Help Is Asked When Necessary

Group legal plans will help members with routine legal challenges. They do an excellent job of resolving such issues, but there is a limit to what an ordinary attorney can do.   The law is a service that has many facets and specialties. People sometimes need help in areas that…


Make Your Tax Dollars Work! – It Just Takes Countrywide Help

Private citizens are easily frustrated when they deal with public agencies. It appears that a simple request rarely gets a response and when people ask for help, they are turned away because of a technicality. People begin to think that government employees don’t care or that the bureaucracy is intentionally…


Avoiding Problems with a Simple Will – The Probate Issues Will Fade

Estates can be orderly or chaotic; the individual determines the state of affairs. A simple will can make life easier for everyone. Too many people keep putting off drafting a will until the future. Kicking the can down the street has consequences that are rough for beneficiaries. Group legal plans…


Carefully Checking the Language – Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services Can Review Legal Documents

Legal documents mystify people. The language is not something they are familiar with, but the consequences of misinterpreting the words can be significant. Contracts, leases, and other written forms of agreement can carry clauses that will penalize somebody for noncompliance. The same is true for various government applications and requests…


Making Your Wishes Known – Healthcare Providers Appreciate the Instructions

The advances in modern medicine are nearly miraculous. People who were once considered terminal cases now have a fighting chance to recover, survive, and thrive. Consumers are becoming aware of new therapies and treatments and they are also more cost-conscious. They want second opinions and will decide what they would…


Communication is Essential for Great Quality – It is Part of the Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services Personal Touch

The law is a significant influence in everyone’s daily life; it is more than obeying traffic rules. There are leases, contracts, agreements, licenses, and other documents to regulate our activity. Group Legal Plans will help make sense of things. Pre-paid legal services will assist with drafting wills, reviewing legal documents,…


Preventing a Domestic War – A Simple Will Stops a Family Feud

Group Legal Plans encourage members to use the simple will drafting benefit. It isn’t too complicated and a simple will determines how an estate is distributed. It prevents a lot of probate court hassles and there is something else even more important. This pre-paid legal services option can prevent a…


Helping with Public Agencies – We Can Slice Through the Bureaucracy

Government does not dominate our lives, but it influences our decisions. Ordinary people rely on government services at local, state, and federal levels. Public bureaucracies do not have a great sense of urgency: things are done methodically and deliberately. The slow pace drives people crazy. The best group legal plans…


Consumer Protection is a Needed Benefit – Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services Has This Option

The market is not perfect. Products and services might be defective or have poor quality. Group legal plans offer benefits to help with many legal issues. It is all well and good, but consumer protection is a pre-paid legal service benefit many Plan members need. Protected by Paper We expect…

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