
Articles Posted in Group Legal plans


Plan Service with the Member in Mind – Countrywide Has the Best Member Services

Service is rapidly becoming automated. Consumers deal with automated telephone service, Q&A pages, and Amazon Alexa. These can be very efficient but cold. Group legal plans that offer pre-paid legal services must remember the human side of member service The Law Is Filled with Emotion Those who face legal problems…


Medical Debt Assistance Supports Deductible Management

Payments can be met   Employees generally like the employer-sponsored group health insurance. They appreciate the assistance given with medical expenses, particularly catastrophic bills. Employees grumble, however, about the deductibles. The deductibles in most employer-sponsored group health insurance policies have been rising steadily over the last few years. They’re at…


Countrywide Works with Public Agencies

Our Assistance Makes Dealing with Government Easy   The government can confuse people. Bureaucracies are both national, state, and local. You may have to deal with one and not the other two or, all three at the same time. The average employee is going to find all this frustrating. Many…


Take on College Loan Payments and Win!

Expert Advice Makes It Easy     College loans have a time trap. Certain loan programs allow for a fixed period of time to get a degree. If a student’s time in school is accidentally prolonged due to being closed out of a class, it doesn’t matter. Loan programs also…


Avoid Holiday Traps with Consumer Protection Advice

Some of the Special Deals Aren’t That Great     Black Friday will soon be here, and the Merry mayhem of holiday shopping begins. People love to go out to the stores or go online to buy things at this time of year. The increased sales activity, however, brings with…


Credit Card Debt Harms Financial Wellness

Plastic Creates Havoc   Folks love it when things are easy. Convenience is desirable, and people take advantage of it whenever possible. Expediency is the reason why people use credit cards so often. No one has to worry about carrying large amounts of cash, and all it takes is a…


Referral Services Add to the Plan Quality

Unique Legal Help Can be Used   Law in the United States is rich in its diversity. There are various kinds of legal specialties such as marine law, domestic and juvenile, Internet law, and various types of property law where an attorney can specialize. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offers one…


Pre-Paid Legal Services Need Communication

The Right Words Matter a Great Deal We are surrounded by technology. There are mobile apps, Internet websites, and social media intended to connect us to other people and the services we need. That’s nice, but it doesn’t always work. There are some needs, such as pre-paid legal services, that…


The Deductible Trap

The Medical Bills Can Be Staggering   Employees expect to pay medical premiums either bi-weekly or monthly. They’re able to budget for these expenses and know what the figures will be. Something that is extremely difficult to budget for, and catches a person by surprise, is the medical deductible. It…

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