Medical Bills Can Be Handled Deductibles and co-payments are not a problem to a healthy person. There is no great need to be concerned because health insurance is rarely used. However, accidents can happen and they do not always result in minor injuries. There are several circumstances where medical debt…
Articles Posted in Group Legal plans
College Debt is Being Recognized
Millennials Need Help The financial wellness of recent graduates is now a national concern. Young people are saddled with debt in the five and six figures. The college debt crisis not a good situation but the problem is going to be addressed, now the election is over. There will…
Communication is Critical for a Benefit Plan
There is More to Service Than a Web Page A goal of employee benefits is to solve problems. Challenges and issues are arising in a person’s life, and the right benefits will provide answers and solutions. A group legal plan is committed to helping solve legal conundrums. It takes more…
Providing Excellent Service
It is A Critical Part of Any Benefits Plan A group legal plan will naturally have several benefit options. Activities such as drafting a will or helping with a consumer protection problem can be expected. What separates the good from the bad is the level of service provided.…
Preparing a Debt Management Strategy
Debt problems do not always result from one major bill. Ordinarily, a person runs into problems paying many obligations, including mortgages, auto loans, credit cards, and student debt. While paying the minimums is one strategy the money must be set on time. If it isn’t, penalties will be assessed. It…
Do You Know Your Budget?
Millennials will work at minimum wage jobs until they graduate. All of them feel a great sense of relief and satisfaction when they get their first full-time paycheck. It is an amount of money they only dreamed of before, and they are very excited. However, the additional income has…
Referral Service is Sometimes Necessary
Pre-paid legal services will usually cover some essential needs. Drafting a will or helping with government agencies is something that anyone can expect. However, there are times when special types of legal expertise are needed. It may be above and beyond what an ordinary attorney can do. A group…
Medical Decisions May Need Medical Powers of Attorney
It appears many people think they’re indestructible. They’re not worried about any accidents happening to them because they don’t believe it is possible. This is true with young employees, unfortunately. They will use pre-paid legal services, but they may think just writing a will is all that is necessary. That…
Handling Government Hassles
You can hope and vote for smaller government but do not count on that. The government is very much a part of our lives, and you will be dealing with public agencies at all levels. It sometimes gets very annoying and also very frustrating. There are so many ways government…
Taking Advantage of the Countrywide Network
A chalk board with the words problems and solutions The Internet is remarkable, but even cyberspace has limitations. There are times when people want to talk and interact with a human being. It applies in particular if there are legal issues. Unfortunately, not all group legal plan services do that.…