Legal Assistance can assure a Quality Present The Christmas shopping season is a time of year when companies showcase their new merchandise. It could be an amazing laptop or a great looking toy; these are all meant to make some considerable profit in a very short period of time. The…
Articles Posted in Identity Theft
Avoiding a Holiday Nightmare
ID Theft is a very real Danger Christmas shopping is a time when people go off their budgets and purchase gifts in the holiday spirit. Some of these shoppers are in for a horrible shock. Even people who buy online from what they think are relatively secure websites run the…
Protecting the Family College Students
ID Theft can hit on Campus Going away to college is the first time of independence for most young people. It is a chance to be a little bit more on their own without parents close at hand. It’s exciting, but there are some risks involved. Being away from mom…
Maintaining Due Vigilance
Identity Theft can be Thwarted More and more people have stopped using cash and are using credit cards instead. The convenience is almost too good to ignore and that is why people use them. Plastic can definitely get the job done. It really is too bad that identity theft makes…
Thinking about the Details
A Good Group Legal Plan has something more Human resources directors recognize the importance of having group legal plans as part of a comprehensive employee benefits program. At the same time, they want the best possible assistance for employees. These management professionals want to see all that voluntary prepaid legal…
Safeguarding Internet Identity in Maryland
Pando Networks conducted a study in 2011 of those states that have the fastest Internet speeds and download completion rates. The results showed that the mid-Atlantic region had the most number of the fastest states, and Maryland ranked fifth on the list. The Old Line State is definitely computer savvy…
Monitoring Credit Rating and Protecting against Identity theft
America is quickly becoming a cashless society. Increasingly more financial transactions are done with credit cards and debit cards as opposed to dollars and cents. That is fantastic for retail companies because shoppers using plastic will buy a little bit extra, and it’s extremely convenient for shoppers as well. However,…
Hackers Beware: Pre-Paid Legal Services
You are reading this online right now. You might check your email in a few minutes. Oh, and do not forget about adding money to your child’s college credit card. And somewhere, in between checking out funny videos on Youtube and posting in your favorite hobby forum, you will buy…
Identity theft solutions for victims in Wilmington
If you are a victim of identity theft there are some options you may have and there is actually a way pre-paid legal services can help you. Wilmington, Delaware may not seem like a hot spot for identity theft but in reality no city is safe from this world wide…
Identity Theft On the Rise Calls for Increased Credit Monitoring
Gas prices show no sign of stopping their climb. This fact, coupled with the ever-increasing presence of personal technology infiltrating every aspect of life makes it easier to shop and pay bills online from your home or the office. Sure, the internet is convenient, but what is the cost of…