
Communication is Critical for a Benefit Plan

There is More to Service Than a Web Page

A goal of employee benefits is to solve problems. Challenges and issues are arising in a person’s life, and the right benefits will provide answers and solutions. A group legal plan is committed to helping solve legal conundrums. It takes more than just a website, however. Legal issues can stress anybody. There are contracts, simple wills, and problems with government agencies which can give people severe headaches. Pre-paid legal services must do more than providing an FAQ page or an answer box. Communication is critical, and it should be in more than one medium. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has thirty years of experience in designing and administering legal plans. We know the importance of good communications when it comes to benefits.

Legal issues are very personal and developing rapport between attorney and plan member is essential. Countrywide has a nationwide network of attorneys who are chosen for personal skills as well as professional expertise. The ability to interact with plan members is We provide the means with which they can establish communication with individuals.

A Variety of Ways

Face-to-face consultations allow for communication lines to develop and become very strong. Countrywide will allow for such meetings with the attorney. It is understood a person may have questions arising during the solution process. Consequently, Countrywide permits an unlimited number of telephone calls to the attorney on a given matter. Both communication tools promote clarity and reduce the anxiety a group legal plan member may be experiencing. Dealing directly with a human being is something a plan member appreciates.

Answering questions and providing advice are important means of assistance all by themselves. A pre-paid legal services benefit must go one step beyond. The plan member may be having difficulty in dealing with a government agency because of trouble with the applications. Our lawyers are familiar with the process. They can help a person fill out the forms and point out the various deadlines. This can all be done in a personal meeting. It shows greater concern for the plan member than an email or Directions page on a website. Plan members feel more confident about the services rendered because of these personal touches.

Reaching Out to the Other Side

Communication must sometimes take the form of reaching out to the other side. The stubborn merchant may need some encouragement to honor a warranty. The countrywide attorney will write letters on behalf of the plan member. Problems with a lease can easily be handled by a telephone call from the countrywide legal professional. This is going one step beyond ordinary service. It is what Countrywide does because of our commitment to a client, and to the people who work for that same organization. Our administration of a group legal plan is deliberately efficient and ready to offer help as quickly as possible. No one will be asked to wait extended periods of time.

We have several pre-paid legal services benefits from which to choose. The client may decide that drafting simple wills and medical powers of attorney are important, and other benefits are not. It is no problem for us to compose a plan document tailored to the needs of the client. This input is going to assure the final group legal plan addresses the needs of the employees.

What we will guarantee is that secondary services will always be there. Every Countrywide plan will permit direct communication with an attorney who will, in turn, communicate professionally on behalf of the plan member. We invite decision makers to contact us about all we can do for their employees. We provide the type of benefits to help people better deal with modern issues, and we welcome any chance to explain our services.

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