
Communication is critical to success

Legal support is not an automated service


Legal assistance is important in this society. It isn’t just a situation of filing torts and necessary paperwork with the right public agencies. There are contracts and leases that need to be understood and sections explained. Consumer protection is important because product integrity can no longer be assumed. A good group legal plan is going to have a number of options but these mean nothing unless there is provision for effective communication.


People Want to Talk to Their Lawyers

Group legal services are meant to be people oriented. This is not a case where a coin is dropped in the machine and services delivered at the other end. The nature of legal issues are highly personal and human contact is required. Small claims cases can be very complicated and may cause a high degree of anxiety. A group legal plan has to allow a plan member to be in direct contact with an attorney. This means allowing for an unlimited number of telephone calls on a given situation. Some questions may seem a little bit trivial, but they are not to the group legal services plan member. It may even be important to have a face-to-face consultation with the attorney. The communication is all part of the service being rendered. Without it, a group legal plan really is not worth the premiums paid to sustain it.

Send It in Writing

The communications service does not stop with the client/lawyer relationship. Disputes arise that cannot be resolved because neither side is willing to talk. A good lawyer can be a third-party intermediary. Telephone calls and correspondence written by an attorney on behalf of the plan member are great legal services. Time and again this communication coming from a lawyer has been able to bring a swift resolution to what appeared to be impossible situations. All of these are instances where communication service guarantees that the primary benefits of a group legal plan will be effective.

Countrywide Provides Excellent Communication Service

We have been designing group legal services benefits for organizations since 1987. We have seen over the years how effective communications can relieve a lot of anxiety and solve major problems. The attorneys of the Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services network are expected to take telephone calls on a given situation without a problem. These lawyers are also expected to be ready to have face-to-face consultations with any plan member. The correspondence and telephone calls made on behalf of the plan member are all part of providing the best legal service possible.

Communication doesn’t mean much if it is cold and impersonal. The lawyers of the Countrywide network are known for superior people skills. They can communicate well with anyone. We know this from the number of favorable comments we received from clients over the years. It is very apparent that our attorneys have the sensitivity necessary to give excellent service.

We respect the needs of our clients and we know that the benefits must fit the organization’s needs. We will tailor any benefit plan to the expectations of a client. This enables employees to get maximum use and benefit out of any Countrywide plan. Our administration is intentionally simple to allow for fast delivery of services. The waiting time for a response is practically nil.

Silence is golden but not when legal services need to be used. Our attorneys listen to plan members and provide any correspondence necessary to help resolve problems. Face-to-face consultations are never a difficulty and a group legal services plan member need not hesitate to request one. The benefit options that we have generate greater value because of our commitment to providing necessary communication to plan members, or anyone else. We would welcome the chance to explain more fully both our communication services and our benefit options. Please do feel free to contact us


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