Medical bills don’t appear to be such a great problem at the end of the year. The deductible for the year is ordinarily met and medical insurance picks up most of the tab. Nevertheless, there is a lurking problem for some folks. Treatment on various injuries or illnesses can span more than a year. What it means is that a treatment which began in October can be still ongoing in January. It does pose a financial wellness risk.
The Deductible Can Be A Shock
The deductible requirement starts again with the new year. If a company has a $5000 deductible to be met annually, then an employee must meet that obligation starting in January. A major treatment performed after the new year can mean thousands of dollars in expenses. It happens at the same time the Christmas bills are coming in. It is a major shock to the system and can cause a great deal of stress, if not outright panic. An employee would appreciate some assistance and Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services can help.
People can budget for college loans or credit card payments. Medical bills are a different case. The first shock is the Explanation of Benefits. That is not a bill, but the figures are startling. The final invoice can be tough to swallow.
There is a Way Out of Debt
Healthcare providers want their money. They’re willing to contact collection agencies to get the cash. Reminders and notices will panic anyone. Countrywide can reduce anxiety and stress levels. Our nationwide network of certified financial counselors is ready to help.
The Basics
Our counselors do more than give our client advice. They’re willing to do the basic chores required to reestablish financial wellness.
A Countrywide counselor will do an in-depth budget analysis. The professional will find out the income sources and the total expenses of a financial wellness plan member. He or she will then work with the plan member to design a payment plan. Healthcare providers can be flexible. The Countrywide counselor knows what information is needed and plan members get suggestions on how to negotiate the terms of a better payment plan.
Help with medical debt is the primary financial wellness benefit but there is considerable value added on to this. Many plan members don’t understand budgets. They learn about better money management in the process. An asset inventory, the full accounting of someone’s financial worth, might also be part of the process. Such information is useful when future decisions are being made.
The asset inventory and budget analysis may uncover other concerns. The plan member might be having difficulty paying college loans. This person might want to buy a house but doesn’t know how. Countrywide offers a variety of services and clients can design their financial wellness plan.
We allow decision-makers to select the benefit options. A plan that more accurately addresses the legal help needs of employees will result. Countrywide furnishes world-class member services and administration that assures prompt delivery. No one must wait an unreasonable amount of time to get help. It is taken for granted that senior and middle-aged employees will appreciate help with medical bills. They are the ones who make the most use of the group health insurance. However, those employees with small children also face large bills. What Countrywide offers is going to help a family cope with medical emergencies better. This is a benefit that is worth every penny of premium paid.
We anticipate that decision-makers will have questions for us. We admit that our financial wellness plan may not be something people are knowledgeable about. We encourage you to contact us with any questions or concerns. We are ready to answer questions and give assurances. Countrywide is a leader in the industry because we listen. We want to hear from you and urge you to get in touch with us at your earliest convenience.