Countrywide Will Make Them Go Away
Hospitals and credit card companies want their money. Neither have a reputation for lots of patients and what they consider to be overdue bills will cause problems for an individual. Bill collection agencies are often used to extract payments from delinquent debtors. The process gets frightening. These companies do not hesitate to threaten people with serious consequences. Loss of credit ratings, repossession, and the hint of court proceedings are all intended to get a person to pay what is owed. The treatment causes lots of anxiety because a person is worried about financial wellness being undermined. Help is needed and should come from seasoned veterans. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has the answer.
We are aware of the scare tactics the bill collection agencies employ. We have a nationwide network of certified counselors who are experts at restoring and preserving financial wellness. Anyone who is in danger of being harassed will find the advice given by one of our counselors to be a godsend. Simple things, such as not paying the hospital bill until the health insurance company has paid their portion, are not always known by a layperson. Our counselors can explain various ways of keeping the bill collection agency from the doorstep.
Eliminating the Middle Man
Bill collection agencies are middlemen in the debt payment process. They receive a fee for intimidating someone into paying a bill. The Countrywide counselor understands the best way to resolve the problem is to eliminate this third-party from the conversation. Our professionals will advise financial wellness plan members on how to best approach hospitals and credit card companies directly (It is important to remember those organizations only want to get paid for services rendered. They do not have any wish for bloody revenge). Our counselor will make suggestions and offer advice on how to word any communication which leads to an affordable payment schedule. Some of the plan members have situations which have gone out of control, and their personal finances are a train wreck. The counselor may recommend a debt management plan to these people. It costs a little bit more, but it is worth it. The plan can help present the case. It may seem surprising, but both hospitals and credit card companies are willing to work with a debtor. Frankly, there is no significant need for any third-party thug to collect the cash.
Bill Collectors Leave
A negotiated payment plan is not that difficult. Financial wellness counselor can steer a plan member towards that solution to the problem. The services of a bill collector no longer needed when that is done. This is something to keep in mind: once a payment plan has been agreed upon, a plan member can ignore the threats sent through the mail or over the telephone. An understanding has already been reached with the party wanting payment.
Expert Assistance for Employees
Organizations do not want to see employees intimidated by bill collectors or anyone else for that matter. The Countrywide financial wellness plan provides expert assistance to those threatened by bill collectors. We have other services to offer and our plan is not a boilerplate package. An organization may pick those benefits which are best suited for employees. We help develop the final document, which will include what the client wants, and will assist with administration and provide a high-quality service every client expects from Countrywide.
Bill collectors are a tough breed, and they are expert at scaring people. Countrywide will help drive such fears away. Our counselors are skilled problem solvers, and Countrywide financial wellness plan members get priority. We consider courtesy and respect to be a benefit of any plan under the Countrywide umbrella. We ask interested organizations to contact us about our services. We have much to offer that helps employees.