
Four Reasons for Review of Contracts and Document

Society may have gone digital, but there’s still some serious paperwork. Like it or not, there are leases and other legal documents which require your attention. There are some critical reasons why a group legal plan ought to have the ability to help you read the papers.

  1. Laws Will Change. Every time the Congress or your state legislature meets in session, the bodies are going to decide whether or not certain laws are going to be modified. Those modifications can be just as important as brand-new legislation. The changes may be reflected in contracts. If you do not know about the amendments recently enacted,
  2. The Language is Archaic. The words of the law were created many years ago, and are not often use in day-to-day life. It can make things a little confusing for anybody who is trying to read the paragraphs of a legal document. Uncertainty may result in a person not even bothering with the written agreement. Pre-paid legal services ought to be able to help interpret all the content.
  3. The Document May Not Be Valid. It sometimes occurs that a vendor or landlord will make a copy of a legal document used in another state, and then ask a person to sign it. This paper may have absolutely no authority of law, but there is the pretense that it does. The lawyer in a group legal plan can spot this immediately and bring it to the attention of the individual.
  4. The pros and cons can be clarified. A good attorney is going to be able to review a contract and noticed immediately what is in favor of the group legal plan member and what is not. This kind of information can help a person make the right choice when it comes to entering any agreement with someone else.

Countrywide Offers This Service

Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services provides interpretation of legal documents as one of the benefit options it offers to clients.

Our nationwide network of attorneys has the responsibility of providing the very best pre-paid legal services to plan members. These attorneys are not fresh out of law school. These are professionals who have been practicing for years and stay current with changing laws. A group legal plan member can have a review legal documents of up to six pages.

That is sufficient in almost all cases. The attorneys can help determine if a contract is in the best interest of a plan member. The language of the paragraphs can be interpreted for the plan member, and the attorney can point out the significance of all the clauses.

There may be some questions about the meaning of certain phrases, and the secondary services of Countrywide provide real support. An attorney can make telephone calls on behalf of the client, and find out the meaning of the words. If the plan member has questions, and an unlimited number of phone calls on a given situation are allowed, and face-to-face consultations are easy to set up.

Employer Choice

Employers ordinarily want to have more than one or two options from a benefit plan. Countrywide promotes choice. We encourage clients to look at our pre-paid legal services benefit options and decide which ones to be part of the program. Options such as writing a simple will, help with government agencies or drafting medical powers of attorney are just part of the market basket of what we offer.

We have been providing benefits for organization since 1987, and we are firmly convinced that the selection process makes for a far better overall benefit. We invite decision makers to look the benefit options we are offering in the market place. We sincerely believe our program happens to be the best.

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