
Guarantee Those Christmas Repairs – Product Warranties Should Be Honored

Black Friday is the start of the holiday shopping season. People will be flocking to the malls and others will be clicking away on Amazon and other shopping platforms for presents. The retail industry depends on Christmas sales for annual profits and will offer almost anything to the buying public. Some of those gifts, however, are expensive and might get broken. Shoppers will look for ways to repair any damage and consider buying warranties.  The best group legal plans will help members with warranty and consumer protection plan to help those people avoid buying bad warranties.

The Details Hide a Trap

Warranties are promises of help when a product needs repair. A consumer can expect some or all the repair work expenses to be covered. Some warranties cost just a few dollars and others, especially those for automobiles or major appliances, can cost a few hundred dollars. Salespeople will promote warranties to buyers. The sale is easy profit because most purchasers will not use their warranties.

People will buy warranties and not realize what they are purchasing. The language in the document expressly states when the warranty can be used and for what kind of repairs. A person gets a nasty surprise when he or she discovers only certain parts can be used for repairs. A group legal plan should provide some form of assistance in dealing with warranties and consumer protection. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has such a benefit.

Checking the Warranty Clauses

Countrywide has a nationwide network of attorneys. These provide the pre-paid legal services specified in a group legal plan document. Our lawyers look at the language and discover what conditions qualify for warranty coverage. They will point out what a plan member should do to realize the benefit. A Countrywide lawyer also recommends action when a legitimate warranty is not honored.

Beating the Detail Devil

Retailers may claim a warranty does not apply in each situation when, in fact, it does. Countrywide group legal plan members need not throw up their hands and give up. There are consumer protection options and the Countrywide attorney will explain those options.

Filing a consumer protection complaint is easy when Countrywide is involved. Our attorneys assist in properly processing the consumer complaint. Also, our legal professionals will write letters and make telephone calls on behalf of plan members. It comes as no surprise that a stubborn retailer honors a warranty after contacted by a Countrywide lawyer.

Employers Design the Benefit

Employers constantly look for benefits which make the lives of employees easier. Warranty assistance reduces levels of stress and is not the only Countrywide benefit. We help people interact with public agencies, we draft simple wills and medical powers of attorney, and our lawyers will review legal contracts among other pre-paid legal services. Countrywide deals with the kind of issues ordinary employees confront.

Employers will insist on having a good return on investment. Any employee benefit must be a service that the staff will use. We have provided employee benefits since 1987 and we have a simple means of guaranteeing employee participation.

We permit clients to choose those options that will be part of their group legal plan. This process lets an organization design a benefit better suited to the workforce demographics. We appreciate that employers may not choose all our benefits and we respect those choices. We provide high-quality service to all plan members, and our administration is designed give the needed services as quickly as possible. We expect our lawyers to show empathy and courtesy to plan members. Countrywide is proud of the reputation we developed over the years for people-sensitive benefits administration. All clients can expect the best from us.

Holiday shopping can be hectic but should not be a nightmare. Purchased warranties must be honored and Countrywide is here to see that happens. Our other benefit options can help employees with legal problems that may arise. Please feel free to contact us at your earliest convenience with any questions about the Countrywide pre-paid legal services benefits.

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