
Keeping Personal Issues out of the Office

There was a time not so long ago when people made a very clear distinction between the workplace and home. It was understood that an employee left his or her personal affairs at the doorstep of the office building, and did not allow these issues to interfere with work. It is unfortunate but in today’s society personal problems have a habit of taking attention that should be spent on the business at hand. Human resources directors are very much aware of the distractions and try to find ways to minimize the problem. A voluntary benefit that provides for legal services can be of great assistance.

It’s the Small Things That Nag

Major legal battles rarely are the cause of employee inattention, but smaller issues will be. The legal system is full of papers to be processed and forms to be completed. There are also innumerable procedures in order to get services from a government agency. These all take up a lot of time and often an employee will make phone calls from the office on matters regarding visitation rights, estates, or even minor traffic violations. A group legal plan that provides access to experienced attorneys permits the work to be done by a third party. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has the Personal Legal Protector Plan to help employees with these irritating details. It is a voluntary benefit plan that allows access to very professional attorneys. These experts of the law can cut through a lot of administrative red tape, draft letters needed to be sent to various agencies, and review contracts that may have binding clauses. The attorneys of a Countrywide group legal plan will help prepare small claims court cases for those traffic violations that arise, and help an employee with administrative forms that need to be completed for court.

Service That Is Superior

Management expects employees to be treated with courtesy. Countrywide attorneys know that regardless of whom the plan member may be the problem he or she has is to be treated with respect. Unlimited phone calls to the attorney are allowed on a given matter, and if necessary a face-to-face consultation can easily be arranged. Our attorneys treat every member of a group legal plan as if that person was the only client. This quick and efficient response to any issue which arises is standard operating procedure for those lawyers who are part of our legal network. If there is a case that is extraordinarily complex, we can give referrals to attorneys who have expertise in that particular area. Our services are intended to be comprehensive and professionally delivered. Members of existing voluntary benefit plans drafted by Countrywide have commented favorably on the level of attention they’ve received.

Design That Is Flexible

Because we have been designing group legal plan benefits since 1987, we have a great deal of experience with all types of organizations. We understand that an employer may want certain benefits and not others. That is why what we develop is tailored to what the employer wants. We will make recommendations, but at the close of the day it is what the client would like to have that will be part of the voluntary benefit plan designed. Human resources can be assured that administration is very easy with no aggravating problems.

We see to it that service is the best possible.

Our voluntary benefit options cover a lot of legal matters and we also have credit monitoring and identity theft benefits available for consideration. We encourage employers to give us a call and let us explain more of what we have to offer.

We encourage you to contact us today with any questions or to request a proposal!

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