Financial planning covers a lot of ground. The objective is to help a person prepare for future expenses and purchases. The core of sensible planning is information: facts and figures regarding a person’s financial wellness. Not everyone knows how to do that and Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services can help. We offer a benefit any organization would want to have.
Working Through a Budget
Ordinary folks often live from paycheck to paycheck. They don’t always know how to budget and rarely know their true financial worth. Countrywide will help the situation. Our nationwide network of certified counselors can shed light on a person’s finances.
A budget analysis is the primary tool used to uncover personal finance data. The Countrywide counselor will look over the income and expenses of the plan member. This financial professional will make suggestions on how to improve the overall picture.
Assets can be houses but are also stocks, bonds and insurance policies. A financial wellness plan member might forget about a small, whole life insurance policy. Our counselor can find information about it as part of our asset inventory service. This inventory uncovers the full financial worth of an individual. It often comes as a pleasant surprise that this service has discovered a person is worth more than he or she originally thought. It can be a major confidence builder.
Problems Will Surface
The budget analysis can uncover some serious problems. Credit card debt may have gotten out of hand or emergencies tipped the scales the wrong way. The Countrywide counselor may recommend a debt management plan in such cases. This is tough medicine for some people, but it may be necessary. Ongoing counseling is part of the program and we will help develop a blueprint of getting out of serious financial trouble. The service costs a little bit more, but it can stop the downhill slide. In fact, many people have been able to avoid foreclosure or bankruptcy because of this emergency intervention. We do have to remind folks about the extra cost, but it is worth it.
Financial Wellness Brings Hope
Not understanding full financial value will make a person feel frustrated and depressed. He or she may believe that there is no way that some of the financial dreams they have, such as saving for a child’s education, are possible. Our investigation into finances puts suspicions to rest. A plan member can see in concrete figures all the available assets. The counselor can go one step further and recommend activities and decisions which can free up capital for other expenses. It is also possible that the counselor’s advice will help a person begin saving for the future.
We understand how nervous people are when it comes to personal finances. No one wants a lecture or be made to feel like they are irresponsible. We expect our counselors to show emotional intelligence and respect the plan member. Furthermore, we do not rely on a website to answer questions. We want our plan members to be able to speak face-to-face with a certified counselor. Such meetings are easy to arrange and there is a counselor in the neighborhood.
Good employers want their workers to understand how much the company cares about them. Anything that can relieve the anxiety of a hard-working employee is worth the attention of any decision-maker. Our financial wellness benefit options are among the best in the industry. We believe that clients should have a role in designing the plan document. We ask clients to decide which benefit options are going to be part of their financial wellness plan. We back up their decision with world-class service.
Making plans and dreaming about tomorrow requires financial information many people cannot easily get. Our counselors will help a person better discover what they can and cannot afford, and how to prepare for the future. We ask that decision-makers contact us at their earliest convenience to find out more. Countrywide believes the financial wellness plan we offer is a benefit employees will appreciate.