
Legal Insurance Blog


A Referral Might Help Outside Legal Assistance When Necessary

We admit our group legal plans do not cover everything. Our nationwide network of attorneys will assist group legal plan members with everyday legal situations. They do an amazingly effective job, but the law has many niches. A Specialist May be Necessary There are many avenues in jurisprudence. Marine, Immigration,…


Dealing with Agency Blues It Does not Need to be Rough

Anyone who pays taxes has a right to request those government services they are entitled to receive. These might not be significant issues like immigration visas or housing assistance, but perhaps transportation allowances or help with assisted care for elderly parents. Employees will now and then need the help of…


Overcoming Financial Stress Countrywide Provides Valuable Assistance

The 2021 PwC Employee Financial Wellness Survey has sobering information for organizations as they begin adjusting to business after the pandemic. Financial stress has become a serious problem that employers cannot ignore. Approximately 63% of those surveyed reported that financial stress has increased since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.…


Offering What Your Employees Need They Appreciate Your Efforts

Dealing with money became a severe issue at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, and it has not gone away. People are frustrated and nervous about what to do with personal finances.  Research supports this observation. The 2021 PwC Employee Financial Wellness Survey discovered that approximately 63% of respondents reported…


A Primary Actor with an Essential Role A Decision Maker with Medical Clout

There are many actors on the legal stage, and each plays an important part. The main objective is often protecting someone else or seeing that a person’s wishes are respected and carried out. The executors of an estate come to mind immediately, and there is a designated person who will…


Know What You Are Worth Financial Decisions are Easier When You Do

Financial advisers will tell their clients that planning is critical for security. Such suggestions became very sound advice when COVID-19 hit the economy. Many people were not ready for the emergencies that cropped up, and the pandemic placed their financial wellness in serious jeopardy. A good resolution is never to…


You Can Protect Your Employees from Identity Thieves Countrywide Has the Tools

We talked about Identity Theft and Credit Monitoring Plans for individuals a few weeks earlier. We would like to bring to your attention the group plan we offer. Identity theft is a serious problem and high-tech employees are justifiably nervous about their security being hacked. An employer has a chance…

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