
Legal Insurance Blog


Help When It is Greatly Needed Countrywide Is There to Assist

We have talked about the importance of living wills and how a person’s wishes for medical care are safeguarded if that person becomes unresponsive. It is essential to look at a companion legal document that supports the living will: medical powers of attorney. Group legal plans should include medical powers…


Taking Bitter Medicine Countrywide Makes It Less Painful

Organizations may be forced to make tough decisions in the coming weeks. Figures from the first quarter can make cost reductions necessary. Employee benefits will be a target for budget cuts. Employers with health benefits will use deductibles and premium increases to control the rising medical costs. Sadly, some organizations…


Communication Is Even More Important Remote Workers Need It the Most

The pandemic changed the office place, and those changes are here to stay. Employees enjoy working from home and are proving to be even more productive due to a change of scenery. People weathered a storm that saw them relying on stimulus checks and personal savings to make it through…


A Benefit’s Value is Important You Can Discover Countrywide’s Worth

A new employee benefit is only as good as its services. Employees appreciate the additional perk, but positive feelings will fade if a plan member must do all the work. It is essential to ask a vendor about the primary benefits and what other services are offered to enhance a…

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