
Legal Insurance Blog


Good Service Relies on Communication More Than a Chat Room

Group legal plans provide a needed service. There are legal issues that require a professional’s advice and experience. People appreciate having simple wills drafted and suggestions on how to deal with bureaucrats. However, there is more to providing high quality, pre-paid legal services.   All Forms of Communication   A…


Paper Folly There are Ways to Avoid Major Mistakes

Document review is an essential legal assignment. Companies ask law firms to review contracts and determine if a court case needs to be filed. The reviewed document can be hundreds of pages long. Ordinary people do not require in-depth reviews. A maximum of six pages is usually sufficient. Some group…


Sensible Personal Finances Are Possible It Requires A Bit of Common Sense Advice

Personal finances are a touchy subject. Everyone wants to feel responsible and money-sensible, but things happen. There can be sudden emergencies, such as medical bills, that mess up the best-laid plans. Some find budgeting a challenge. They get used to living from paycheck to paycheck and rarely save any money.…


You Deserve Those Services! You Paid for Them

Folks are upset with the government. Lockdowns and restrictions caused by coronavirus are frustrating, and many wonder if their tax dollars are being properly spent. Red tape and delays appear to be the new normal. The government provides services that people need. Tutors, transport vans, healthcare aides, and other means…


Employers are Taking Notice Financial Wellness is Becoming More Important

The Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) recently conducted a study on financial wellness that produced interesting results. The published report,” 2020 EBRI Financial Wellbeing Employer Survey: COVID-19 Driving Benefit Offerings and Potentially Forcing of Budget Decisions,” shows a definite change in the focus of financial wellness programs. Instead of concentrating…


Taking a Closer Look Countrywide Reviews Legal Documents

The year is coming to an end and many people have a few things left on the bucket list. Various legal documents might need signing. These include leases, service contracts, and miscellaneous agreements. Warranties might be part of the holiday shopping list. These legal papers may be a bit confusing…

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