
Legal Insurance Blog


Innocent Victims of a Great Deal – Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services Tames the Credit Card Beast

Credit cards are a major part of American commerce. People try to use credit cards as little as possible and some will try to do without credit completely. This is almost impossible. Emergencies arise that require the use of credit and retailers encourage the use of credit cards with special…


It’s a Question of Fairness – Consumers Have Rights

Consumer protection is not intended to be a corporate headache. It is a means by which any company, including a service provider, is held accountable for its marketing claims. Promises of high-quality efficiency are used to encourage consumers to purchase goods and services. Consumer protection law guarantees these assurances are…


Don’t Worry About Buying a House – Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services Makes It Possible

Many think owning a home is just a dream. Real estate is not cheap and there are other debts which strain an individual’s finances. Countrywide Pre – Paid Legal Services wants to help make owning a home possible. “Make Your Move” Teaches Home Buying Real estate is a market with many…


Do You Understand the Papers? – Legal Documents Can Be Confusing

In our society we must always deal with all kinds of contracts, leases, permits, and other types of paperwork. Legal documents are part of doing almost any kind of business. An important question all consumers should answer is:   “Do you know what you are signing?” Legal documents are drafted in…


Dealing with the Ordinary – Routine Services Add to Overall Quality

Legal issues are ordinarily not the courtroom dramas seen on television. Law is primarily a system of paper processing and filings. There are deadlines and evidence requirements which most people do not understand. Group legal plans promote services that help plan members deal with ordinary situations. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services…


Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services Can Fix Your Financial Wellness – We Have the Right Tools

Debt is something we need to expect. People use their credit cards or take out loans to cover expenses when they occur. Trouble will surface when compulsive spending becomes a habit, or an emergency happens. Not everyone knows how to handle desperate situations and their financial wellness is affected. The…


Make A Plan for Financial Wellness – Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services Will Help Young Employees

Students will talk about their post-graduation plans and what jobs they would like to have. They have wonderful objectives but not all of them understand the challenges life will present. The real world can be a shock to any new graduate The College Debt Pit Colleges are becoming increasingly more…


Emotional Benefits of a Living Will – Family Emotions Can Be Soothed

A living will sounds like a contradiction. Wills are supposed to convey the wishes of dead people so why bother with one? A living will, and the accompanying medical powers of attorney, are more important than many people can appreciate. Both safeguard the emotions of survivors and loved ones. The…


Making Government Work for You – A Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services Attorney Will Make It Happen

Employees have a right to government services. Their tax dollars support public agencies but getting the benefits they need might be frustrating. Property tax assessments can be appealed but there are forms to be completed and accurate evidence must be submitted. Deadlines are very strict, and appeals are rejected for…

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