
Legal Insurance Blog


Plan Service with the Member in Mind – Countrywide Has the Best Member Services

Service is rapidly becoming automated. Consumers deal with automated telephone service, Q&A pages, and Amazon Alexa. These can be very efficient but cold. Group legal plans that offer pre-paid legal services must remember the human side of member service. The Law Is Filled with Emotion Those who face legal problems…


Countrywide Helps with Public Agencies – Providing the Best Advice

Libertarians want a world where there is little government involvement in daily life. It might be a nice thought but there is little substance to that wish. Government is a part of our lives and we depend on government services. Not all group legal plans offer help in dealing with…


A Great Resolution – Employees Will Appreciate This

A fantastic corporate New Year’s resolution is a new employee benefit everyone can use. It lets the rank and file know that management appreciates their efforts and is concerned about their well-being. Group Legal Plans are an excellent and very useful service that an organization can offer. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal…


Don’t Worry About the New Year’s Deductibles – Countrywide Helps People Manage the Bill

Deductibles are the part of a medical bill the patient is responsible for paying. Standard deductibles have been rising to keep group health premiums down and $5000 deductibles are common. Most people do not understand how deductibles operate. These financial obligations can easily go out of control. Deductibles will renew…


Countrywide Interprets Legal Documents – We Provide Order and Clarity

Legal documents are unsettling. Language is formal and there are Latin phrases sprinkled through the text. People get nervous about the lease or contract they might be signing. Group legal plans need to have a means of reviewing legal documents. It is a benefit which Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services will…


We Provide Excellent Referrals – Special Cases Get Needed Services

Group legal plans assist with routine legal issues. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is no exception and we are proud of the benefit options we provide. However, there are services we do not routinely offer. We will provide referrals in those cases. The Law Is Diverse Writing wills and helping with…


Getting Financial Wellness Education – Countrywide Offers Information You Need to Know

American colleges and universities are graduating some of the most technically astute people in our history. The Z generation grew up with technology and have a better understanding of social media than even their older siblings. Unfortunately, it does not mean that they are masters of all subjects. Personal finances…


You Can Help Employees with Medical Bills – Health Costs Can Be Managed

Medical premiums and expenses are rising, not falling. People are always looking for ways to curb expenses. We commend those employers who have proactive wellness plans. Benefits such as smoking cessation and weight control improve health and lower costs. We suggest that organizations go one step further and address financial…

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