
Legal Insurance Blog


Consumers Can Be Protected in the Holiday Season – Countrywide Can Help with Complaints

Holiday shopping is beginning to ramp up. Retail makes its profits between Black Friday and New Year’s Eve and stores aggressively push their products. Sometimes, though not often, the goods are defective. People discover the problem after a few days of use. It will cause frustration and anger since no…


There are Ways to End Financial Trouble – Countrywide Provides the Best Advice

Debt is often a heavy weight to bear. Credit cards are the common means of paying for gifts and the plastic charges double-digit interest. College graduates face loan debt the size of a house mortgage and medical emergencies are expensive. The debt will cause major stress and anxiety. People will…


Ending the Year on a Good Note – Your Family Will Appreciate A Living Will

The end of the year is the time for making healthy resolutions. People will resolve to lose weight, eat sensibly, and get more exercise. There are two resolutions that are overlooked many times and they are very important: drafting a living will and medical powers of attorney. The Need Is…


Building Financial Wellness- Countrywide Has the Right Tools

Financial wellness plans will help resolve emergencies, but that is only one use for this benefit. A good program enables a person to have better control over their finances and plan for the future. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offers a financial wellness plan. Our benefit includes tools anyone can use…


Guarantee Those Christmas Repairs – Product Warranties Should Be Honored

Black Friday is the start of the holiday shopping season. People will be flocking to the malls and others will be clicking away on Amazon and other shopping platforms for presents. The retail industry depends on Christmas sales for annual profits and will offer almost anything to the buying public.…


Getting Help From Public Agencies – Countrywide Helps With Bureaucracy

Taxpayers have a right to service and public agencies must provide it. Problems will surface in the administrative details. Forms, applications, proof of evidence and bureaucratic restrictions can all frustrate a person’s effort to get help. Group legal plans ought to provide help with government agencies. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services…


Preventing a Grave Mistake – A Simple Will Stops a Major Problem

Intestate is not a pretty sight. Financial planners will warn their clients to avoid it and take necessary precautions. It can cause a high level of stress and anxiety for families. The Dark Halls of Probate Intestate is the term applied to estates where there is no existing last will.…


Defending Against Hackers – Countrywide Has the Right Protection

  Facebook was successfully hacked a few weeks ago. An estimated 50 million subscribers had their accounts compromised while Facebook continues to upgrade its security. It is disturbing this social media platform was broken into by cyber thieves. People are still getting over the shock. Employers should not ignore the…

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