
Legal Insurance Blog


We Have a Superior Employee Benefit!- Problems Are Efficiently Resolved

Group legal plans are on the bucket list of many organizations. Millennials express a sincere interest in this benefit and financial health is becoming very important to ordinary employees. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services respectfully asks you to consider our group legal plan benefits. We believe we offer significant value. It…


Understanding the Fine Print- Document Review Settles Any Confusion

Legal documents make for tough reading. The sentence structures are intended to define what is required by law or what is expected of other parties; none of it is meant to entertain. It can be a headache trying to understand the simplest paragraphs. Not all group legal plans address this…


Being Prepared for the Worst- A Living Will Cushions the Fall

Catastrophe occurs in seconds. It might be an industrial accident, a traffic mishap, or a cardiac arrest which sends a person into the dark. An unresponsive patient may still be alive and on life support in a state of near death that can last for months or even years. It…


3 Standards for a Superior Legal Benefit- These Make the Plans Stand Out

  People want to have group legal plan benefits. There are many situations where legal counsel can make a serious difference and access to the service is appreciated. Nevertheless, quality is critical. Too many vendors promote their plans that offer very little convenience or substance. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services helps…


Dealing with Government Can Be Easy- A Countrywide Lawyer Will Do It

Elections are just around the corner and candidates are busy campaigning. No matter what the major issues are, how public agencies are serving people is a major concern. Many citizens are frustrated with the attention they are receiving. There always seems to be delays and hard to understand applications. People…

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