Legal documents have their own special language. “Whereas” and “sine die” are words of history used in modern times. The language can confuse and that isn’t good. People worry they may be falling into a trap. A contract, lease or warranty may have a double meaning, or at least a…
Legal Insurance Blog
Financial Wellness Creates a College Recruiting Advantage College Graduates Are Looking for Help
Companies are beginning to plan for the college recruiting season. They are developing schedules for campus visits, candidate interviews, and internships in the coming weeks. Competition for the best talent is going to be fierce. Interesting projects and better-than-average wages help convince the future college graduate to accept the job…
Don’t Let A Family Feud Happen Simple Wills Keep Peace in the Family
Group legal plans will specialize in drafting simple wills. It is the type of pre-paid services benefit everyone likes. Even though it is sensible financial planning, writing a will can also prevent a major domestic problem: the family feud. Estate Battles are Brutal Estates will bring out the worst even…
Secondary Services Are Important Those Little Extras Increase the Benefit
Vendors will promote primary services when selling group legal plans. They will stress legal document reviews or simple will drafting, but not mention secondary services. That was a mistake. There’s more to a pre-paid legal services benefit, and secondary services will enhance the plans quality. We understand the importance…
Don’t Give Up on Your Dreams They Can Come True
Everyone has dreams. It might be starting a family, buying a house, or anything requiring a sizable cash investment. Recent college graduates, unfortunately, feel their dreams are slipping away. The reason is their student loans The Debt Is Staggering Many of these young employees leave school with five or six…
Consumer Protection is a Countrywide Benefit We Protect Plan Members from Fraud
Consumer protection Internet boards try to make fraud nonexistent. Consumers can alert others to faulty products with their posted comments but, unfortunately, it does not mean that the problems go away. There still are merchants who have no problem committing consumer fraud and depriving people of their money. Consumer Protection…
Are You Ready for Retirement? You Will Need Some Gold For Those Years
Retirement is coming sooner than you think. There will come a day when an employee cleans out the workstation and leaves. What happens next depends on prior planning. An individual must be financially ready. He or she cannot rely only on a company pension. Preparing for retirement requires knowing what…
Public Service Is Not Out of Reach Countrywide Gives Advice on Dealing with Bureaucracy
Government spends tax dollars on public services. There is a wide variety of government levels and the services are intended to solve problems. Regrettably, that does not always happen. People might run into an obstacle course trying to get their needs met by public agencies. Help dealing with government bureaucracies…
Financial Wellness Supports the Health Insurance Paying Deductibles is Not as Rough
Employers want to help with medical bills. Decision makers know the stress and anxiety of health issues and benefits such as health savings accounts (HSA’s) are appreciated. Organizations can go one step further by having a financial wellness plan in operation. Offering a financial wellness benefits plan will assist employees…
Spare Them The Pain – Living Wills Take the Burden Away
Anyone who has watched a loved one die knows how painful it can be. A medical emergency or accident causes a person to be in the hospital on life-support. The doctor tells the family nothing more can be done, and a decision is needed. Who is going to make it?…