Countrywide service makes us one of the best group legal plans vendors. Nevertheless, we know our pre-paid legal services do not cover all legal situations. American law has many specialty areas. Domestic, adoption, marine and intellectual property are examples. Plan members might have issues beyond the ordinary and need special…
Legal Insurance Blog
Don’t Forget the Older Employees – Senior Employees Worry About Financial Wellness
Millennials and recent graduates take center stage in a lot of business discussions. They certainly are important, but they are not the only people in the office. Middle-aged employees can be found in cubicles and on project teams, contributing their knowledge and experience to the youth and enthusiasm of other…
Countrywide Can Protect Employee Identity – You Can Keep Your Information Safe
Data breaches are becoming analogous with armed robbery in our society. Hackers can scale security walls of major retail companies. Best Buy is only the latest retail chain to have its data security compromised. Kmart, Saks Fifth Avenue, and Panera Bread have all experienced data theft. The greatest danger is…
Dealing with the Bureaucrats Countrywide Knows How to Do It
Hand writing Benefits with blue marker on transparent wipe board. Working with a government agency can be frustrating. There are a number of rules and regulations which need following and a failure to cross all the Ts and.all the I s can end up with a rejected request. Furthermore, agencies…
When College Debt Comes Knocking-Countrywide Clients Don’t Worry
Millennials have a good reason to celebrate a job offer. It is perhaps the first real job they have ever had, and it means a regular paycheck. Everything seems to be going just right until a certain bill comes into the house which can threaten their financial wellness. It is…
Service Providers Matter! Employees Expect the Best Attention
At the heart of all group legal plans are the attorneys providing service. These are legal experts who ought to be very conversant in the law, both national and local. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services understands the importance of having good attorneys to aid our group legal plan members. The Lawyers…
Avoiding Those Contract Blues Countrywide Explains the Clauses
Contracts are a mystery to many people. These are pages of paper with language that ordinarily is not used that spells out obligations and consequences. It can drive a person crazy trying to understand any of the sentences. The same is true for credit card agreements and that gets a…
Teach Your Millennials Well Countrywide Will Provide the Guidance
Older people often accuse Millennials of being irresponsible and spendthrift. They frown at some of the things that Millennials do and believe these younger people do not understand value. Millennials do care about their money but there’s something different about our society that wasn’t there 20 or 30 years ago.…
Debt Can Harm Financial Health Millennials Appreciate Any Advice
It is almost ironic how a person’s financial wellness is affected by health. What appears to be a robust bank account, full of savings, can be depleted by one hospital bill. It can come as a shock. People take for granted that their medical coverage will take care of much…
Having a Simple Will Drafted the Right Way – An Excellent Way to Protect Your Estate
You are reading this on an Internet webpage. It didn’t take much effort to look up this Internet site and you didn’t have to go rummaging through a library. Cyberspace is a great place to get information and find services that you need. We should advise you, however, that you…