
Legal Insurance Blog


Know Your Warranty and Consumer Protection.

You Don’t Have to Accept Faulty Merchandise   Your child gets a brand-new toy for Christmas while you get an innovative appliance or perhaps a very interesting computer gaming. It’s all a part of the excitement of Christmas to get something new, and Christmas presents are used quite a bit…


A Financial Wellness New Year’s Resolution is Smart!

It is a Sensible New Goal  The New Year is approaching and now is when many people create New Year’s resolutions. Some of these goals for 2018 include matters such as clearing up credit card debt, getting a better handle on student loan payments, and finding ways to work with…


Plan Service with the Member in Mind – Countrywide Has the Best Member Services

Service is rapidly becoming automated. Consumers deal with automated telephone service, Q&A pages, and Amazon Alexa. These can be very efficient but cold. Group legal plans that offer pre-paid legal services must remember the human side of member service The Law Is Filled with Emotion Those who face legal problems…


Simple Wills are Financial Planning Tools

Financial Welfare of Beneficiaries is Protected   Financial planning is not for the living alone. You should think about how you will disburse your assets during your life, but you also need to consider how money and property will be divided after you are gone. Too many people forget that…


Financial Wellness is a Necessary Employee Benefit

It Can End Employee Worry   You may think of financial wellness is not important, but MetLife disagrees. A survey conducted a few months ago by this company indicates that employees are increasingly more concerned about financial wellness. It is a benefit trend that may be picking up speed in…


Identity Theft Is Looking Over Your Shoulder

The Holiday Season is Full of Thieves   Holiday shopping brings out the best and the worst in people. In this season of giving there’s also some underhanded taking going on. It can be someone standing behind you in line at the point-of-sale. That person is looking over your shoulder…


Debt Management Can Save a Person’s Budget

Countrywide Offers Proactive Strategies   College students often live in a ramen noodle atmosphere where money is scarce. It comes as a pleasant shock when the same people land their first real job and start getting paychecks. Flush with cash, they start spending, and the spending can get out-of-control. Reality…


Medical Debt Assistance Supports Deductible Management

Payments can be met   Employees generally like the employer-sponsored group health insurance. They appreciate the assistance given with medical expenses, particularly catastrophic bills. Employees grumble, however, about the deductibles. The deductibles in most employer-sponsored group health insurance policies have been rising steadily over the last few years. They’re at…

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