
Legal Insurance Blog


Handling Government Hassles

You can hope and vote for smaller government but do not count on that. The government is very much a part of our lives, and you will be dealing with public agencies at all levels. It sometimes gets very annoying and also very frustrating. There are so many ways government…


Dealing with Medical Finances

Medical expenses terrify many people. Simple surgeries which may help a person are avoided because of the dread of the cost. With deductibles ranging up to $5000 or more, this anxiety is understandable. The financial wellness of many people hangs on the ability to pay those bills. Confusion Will Create…


Taking Advantage of the Countrywide Network

A chalk board with the words problems and solutions The Internet is remarkable, but even cyberspace has limitations. There are times when people want to talk and interact with a human being. It applies in particular if there are legal issues. Unfortunately, not all group legal plan services do that.…


Home Buying Education Helps Buyers

Home Buying Education Helps Buyers Model house in woman’s hand The Information Can Save Thousands   Not everybody is in a financial wellness crisis. Most people have their finances well in hand and are making needed payments. The same people may need advice on major expenses they’re contemplating. Buying a…


The Emotions Behind a Will

The Emotions Behind a Will Anger can Change Decisions Cropped image of hand signing Last Will and Testament document     There is considerable emotion wrapped up in drafting a will, which is perhaps why so many people delay doing it. It is more than just the thought of death.…

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