It Is Too Good to Be True The bad financial times these past few years have required many to use their credit cards more than necessary. The result is they are faced with sizable credit card debt, and do not quite know how to get out of it. Frustrated and…
Legal Insurance Blog
Power of Attorney Benefits
Peace of Mind is a Major One People hesitate to give up their freedom. They wish to be able to be in charge of their affairs and make their own decisions. That is all very well and good if a person is conscious and has full mental faculties. Unfortunately, emergencies…
Beware of Student Loan Bankruptcy
It is a trap with consequences New college graduates are not experienced in financing debt. It should come as no surprise that they are nervous when they start seeing the bills for their student loans. Many do not have good paying jobs, and they worry about being able to make…
What Do You Know About Your College Loans?
Good Advice Helps Manage the Debt Load The stories about college loan debt are downright frightening. College graduates are being confronted with debt that can amount to well over $50,000, with the payments to be done over a period of decades. This is not always a situation where students are…
Internet Consumer Protection can be Tricky
The Internet was great for a lot of holiday shoppers. They were able to get what they wanted and have the presents shipped to the right place. Unfortunately, there were situations where the wrong item was sent or the shipment was made to the wrong address. There even were cases…
College Debt Can Be Paid Off
It Doesn’t Have to be a Life Long Burden College is not always a happy experience. There are many long hours late at night and lots of stress over grades. It would be nice if that anxiety ends on graduation day but it does not. Most college graduates are saddled…
Relieving Single Parent Stress
These Employees Need Help Being a single parent is never easy. This person does the work of two individuals in raising a family. It often happens that a single parent must deal with public agencies. This maybe for matters such as educational assistance for children, special programs, or other forms…
4 Ways to Prevent Online Identity Theft
Look for the Lock Icon The holiday shopping season does not end on Christmas Eve. The after Christmas sales start almost immediately and can last till New Year’s Day. Many people avoid the crowds by shopping online. It’s convenient but it is also dangerous. Identity theft can happen on the…
The Problems of Probate
The Mess can be Avoided You do not need a legal expert to tell you the danger of dying without a will. The world of intestate is one with problems that are as complicated as a jigsaw puzzle, and can take considerable time as a person walks through a labyrinth…
Four Ways to Manage College Debt
Loans can be repaid without stress Graduation day can come with a very large bill. Many college students face tuition debts of tens of thousands of dollars. It is no wonder some of them panic, wondering how they are ever going to get out from under the loan burden.…