These need to be in a group legal benefit Legal assistance should never be an automated service. Anyone who is facing a legal situation, whether it is help with a warranty or preparing a small claims court case, does not want to deal with a recording. The same person does…
Legal Insurance Blog
You Can Dispute, But You Might Need Help
Processing a Dispute can be Complicated People look forward to spring as a time to clean up the property. That can be landscaping or just mowing the lawn. Some people unfortunately find a nasty surprise in their mailbox about their property. It may be a notice that their property has…
Shoddy Service is Never Acceptable!
Consumer Protection is a Worthwhile Service Consumer protection is a right every customer needs. Government enacted consumer protection laws so that scams and deliberate attempts to defraud people were prevented. The statutes also guard against faulty products or services being sold to people. Not too many people realize this but…
5 Reasons Why Your Employees Need a Group Legal Plan
It is a Necessary Employee Benefit Human Resources directors and CEOs get a lot of telephone calls from vendors about employee benefits. Some of these are worthwhile, but quite a few are programs that cost more than they are worth. A group legal plan is not a frivolous idea at…
You can win a Landlord-Tenant Dispute
Knowing the Law is Important No one should ever think that all landlords are unscrupulous. Dishonest landlords are more the exception than the rule. Yet, there are disputes that arise between tenants and landlords over any number of items. One of the biggest ones happens to involve the security deposit.…
3 Reasons Why Living Wills are Necessary
it is also known as an advance medical directive and many people would rather not deal with a living will. This is a chore that they would rather put off to a later time, and that really is not a great idea. Nobody is immortal and major medical emergencies happen…
Protect Yourself from Cyber Thieves
Identity Theft Protection is an important benefit. You have every right to feel extremely nervous. Cyber theft has gone beyond isolated occurrences and is almost an industry by itself. The latest case involved more than 100 banks internationally with more than $900 million being stolen. Despite what major banks say,…
We Need to Talk
Verbal Communication is Critical in Legal Matters A group legal plan has to be careful when it tries to cut corners. Any need to economize has to be weighed against the quality of service. The topic of consultations and telephone calls arises from time to time. No plan administrator in…
Three Ways Bureaucracy Drives You Crazy
Government sometimes is in its own world Many citizens would rather have a root canal without Novocain then have to deal with a public agency. It sometimes seems that a government bureaucracy is created just to make life aggravating. That really isn’t true but it sometimes seems that way. A…
Everyone Needs Consumer Protection
Shoddy merchandise is unacceptable E-commerce opens up a lot of opportunities for buyers. You can easily purchase something for sale that is 100 miles away from your house. The downside is that you may never meet the merchant from whom you purchased the product. You may discover upon receiving the…