
Legal Insurance Blog



Lawyers help stop bureaucratic fumbling A reason why people become so angry with local government is because they cannot fully understand how bureaucracy works. As taxpayers they have a right to various services and information. Unfortunately, there is a process within public agencies that seems to be absolutely bewildering. Employees…


Honor The Deal!

Legal help uphold warranties Warranties are rarely issued on small items. They are offered in transactions that involve large appliances or sophisticated equipment like widescreen televisions or computer hardware. They are not cheap, either. A consumer may have to pay several hundred dollars extra to have a warranty on the…


Putting it All to Rest

Planning that important last Will Preparing a will is the most common group legal services benefit and the one most people try to avoid. Employees view it as a morbid task that doesn’t have to be performed when in the prime of life. That type of thinking has quite serious…


What About the Children?

Legal help is often needed for employee children Parents are quick to admit that their children are the most important people in their lives. The little ones are a fundamental reason for showing up for work and being productive all day. Any problems that arise involving the children will distract…

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