Newcomers urgently need help There is a great deal of attention being focused on immigration, but it is not an issue restricted to the southern border. There are many legal immigrants who are deeply concerned about their status in this country, or that of their family. These hard-working people worry…
Legal Insurance Blog
Maintaining a Service Warranty
Service is meant to be provided Service warranties are not just for appliances and laptops. Some of the more important ones are for automobiles and can include labor as well as parts. Many consumers will purchase the warranty along with the car hoping that it will never have to be…
Waking Up from a Bureaucratic Nightmare
Putting a Problem to Rest Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has been developing group legal plan benefits since 1987. We’ve seen during that time any number of issues that a person needs legal assistance in resolving. Some of these are minor irritants and others are major issues. Dealing with public…
Resolving Family Issues
Keeping Domestic Strive out of the Office Hard-working employees can handle all kinds of pressure. The stress of tight deadlines ordinarily is not a problem at all, and they are able to weather all kinds of emergency. It is when something goes wrong on the home front that the kettle…
The Benefits of a Referral.
Outside Legal Help to Resolve Problems Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is proud of the options that we offer in all of our group legal plan benefits. We design group legal services plans that provide a great benefit to every single plan member. Our network of attorneys is there to respond…
Identity Theft is Real!
ID Protection is Important \ We trust people and unfortunately that can be a terrible mistake. Someone calls during the day and says that your computer needs to be checked for virus. Without thinking, confidential information such as a credit card number is shared over the phone. That is dangerous…
Preparing for the Court
Assistance with Evidence is appreciated The title shouldn’t fool anybody. Small claims court does not necessarily mean that trivial things are considered before the bench. People will sue in small claims courts and while there are states that limit the amount to $5000 or less, there are others such…
If the Bottom Line Gets Blurry
Helping to Understand Contract Language The most common form of legal document people deal with is a contract. They do not have to be the size of a book and many contracts are just a few pages long. Nevertheless, they are full of words and phrases people are not familiar…
Granting the Power
Medical Power of Attorney can Ease a Tough Situation Anyone who has been confronted with the dilemma of what do to about a comatose relative understands the situation. The doctor has just informed the family that there is nothing more to be done for their loved one. This person…
Responding to a Vacation Emergency
Our Legal Network can Help in Distant Locations Summer is peak vacation time at the office. Employees have worked hard all year long and look forward to that one or two weeks of vacation. It can be at some resort area hundreds of miles away from the office. There is…