Legal Advice Helps in Understanding the Terms Contracts have always been a part of the legal/social landscape. These are agreements that are entered into by parties with the understanding that all the clauses are to be adhered to and followed. Breach of contract can result in very messy problems that…
Legal Insurance Blog
The Best Possible New Year’s Resolution
Drafting a Will Helps Loved Ones Some may think it is macabre, but an excellent New Year’s resolution is the preparation of a will. A last will and testament is not something that should be delayed until an individual reaches senior years. Catastrophic accidents can happen at any time in…
Getting Relief from Domestic Issues
Legal services can resolve complicated matters Valuable employees often center their entire lives on their families. It is the reason for coming to work and striving so hard to get promotions and pay raises. Highly productive employees will openly confess that they do everything for the sake of their children…
Curtailing Holiday Absenteeism
Keeping staff in the office with needed legal assistance Holiday absenteeism is something that human resources departments have come to expect. December is the time of year when people use up as much of their vacation time as possible, because “use it or lose it” vacation policies will not allow…
Removing Bureaucratic Roadblocks
Legal services create a clear path Government agencies are meant to provide service to taxpayers. Within the mission statements and authorizing legislation of these departments are mandates to correct problems, and keep the paper flow moving. The primary difficulty that a person has with government agencies is the meandering red…
Preparing for the Final Days
Living Wills and Medical Powers of Attorney eliminate uncertainty Death or catastrophic illness is not something anyone wants to think about. These are topics that usually are considered discussions for senior citizens, but a traffic accident can change everything. It is possible due to a collision on the road, or…
Taking Care of the Details
A good legal services benefit covers the small things It is no exaggeration when it comes to legal matters that the devil is in the details. It is the small things such as a clause in a contract or an administrative procedure that was overlooked that causes some of the…
Managing a Small Claims Dispute
Legal assistance helps secure a just settlement Small claims court is that branch of the judicial system with which most people have contact. Depending on the state, the monetary limit for any tort is $3000-$5000. This is a court that has a specific set of rules and requires a correct…
Settling Landlord Disputes
Renters are not at the mercy of the lease Companies will hire top-quality people and have them relocate to the home office or to a branch office many miles away. People are willing to relocate for the right opportunity, and moving to a new place can be very exciting. However,…
Effective Help can Safeguard Productivity
Group legal plans can defuse a crisis Human resources directors of any organization are keenly aware of the need to keep productivity at acceptable levels. Competition is fierce, and there is a need to have employees working as efficiently as possible throughout the working day. Hiring top-quality employees is part…