
Power of Attorney Benefits

Peace of Mind is a Major One

People hesitate to give up their freedom. They wish to be able to be in charge of their affairs and make their own decisions. That is all very well and good if a person is conscious and has full mental faculties. Unfortunately, emergencies happen that can put a person on life support, or deprive them of the ability to make rational decisions. A medical power of attorney does not surrender you to an unscrupulous person. In fact, it provides some very good protection as anyone with a group legal plan will tell you

The Primary Advantages

  1. You Decide Who It Will Be. The medical power of attorney allows you to choose the individual who will make those necessary decisions in the event of emergency. This is much better than having a court appointed guardian.
  2. It Opens Up a Conversation. No one likes to think of mortality or a life-threatening crisis. However, it is best for the person and his/her family. Not only is a person appointed to make the choices, but you have the opportunity to let it be known what your wishes are. This removes any indecision or feelings of guilt when a directive has to be given to a medical staff.
  3. Provides Enormous Peace of Mind. An accident or a massive heart attack can render an individual near death. Some very important decisions have to be made, and without a medical power of attorney there is considerable doubt and guilt. Making use of group legal services available to draft a medical attorney gives peace of mind to everybody. It also means that swift action can be taken.

Countrywide Provides the Essential Group Legal Services

This is a touchy matter but it has to be addressed. No one wants to have family in a state of emotional stress as his or her life starts to slip away. The creation of a medical power of attorney is a group legal services benefit provided by a group legal plan. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has been helping organizations develop legal benefits for the last 29 years. We see to it that a comprehensive medical part time is developed for any plan member.

We have a network of attorneys who can provide services in a group legal plan. These professionals will sit down with a person, and explain the importance of the language. Our attorneys are in the local community, so there is no concern about dealing with a stranger. We allow for an unlimited number of telephone calls on a given matter, and a plan member can also arrange for a face-to-face meeting.

Even if a person is in the best of health, the medical power of attorney is not something to be delayed. Countrywide sees to it that this is not a slow process. We have deliberately streamlined our administration so that this necessary document is prepared quickly. Everyone in a Countrywide group legal plan gets the same kind of service. It is advice and actions of a seasoned attorney, with the kind of empathy and sensitivity situation demands. Our attorneys will explain everything and encourage questions.

For The Sake of the Family

Medical power of attorney is something that family members will appreciate. They do not want to see a loved one pass away, but at the same time they do not want this individual to linger on needlessly. The person who has a medical power of attorney knows what has to be done. The wishes of the patient will be carried out by this individual. The family benefits from such clarity.

This is just one of the group legal services benefits that Countrywide has to offer organizations. We will tailor any plan so that it fits the needs of the client. Preparing a medical power of attorney is a superior option, and there are others that can be very effective. We encourage decision-makers to contact us about what we have to offer.

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