There are Retail Protections for the Online Consumer
The greatest threat to consumers on the web centers on private information. A negative option offers a free service or product to an online consumer, but credit or debit card information is requested when the consumer registers online. The vendor uses that information to enroll the consumer in a membership program and immediately sends monthly bills. Likewise, a data pass will happen when an online consumer buys something from a merchant. The payment is processed by an independent third party, who then sells the consumer’s personal information.
It is almost impossible for a consumer to know what is happening. Fortunately, the Restore Online Shoppers’ Confidence Act was passed in 2010 to regulate both the negative option and the data pass. In addition, legislation before Congress, the Data Protection Act of 2021, and the Social Media Privacy Protection and Consumer Rights Act are meant to control activity involving personal data and safeguard the privacy of a consumer’s online information.
World of Confusion
It is comforting to know that Congress is working vigorously to protect an online shopper. However, people are still at risk because they aren’t familiar with crimes committed on the Internet. They might not even notice they unwittingly signed up for a membership they will never use. Group legal plans can help a person take full advantage of e-commerce consumer protection. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has a consumer protection option as a group legal plan benefit.
The Advantage of an Attorney
Anyone who has access to an attorney has a valuable ally in any consumer protection dispute. Countrywide has a nationwide network of experienced lawyers who provide superior pre-paid legal services to our group legal plan members.
Unethical online merchants rely on a consumer not noticing a negative option. So, it shocks them when they discover that a Countrywide lawyer is involved. We allow our attorneys to write letters and make telephone calls on behalf of group legal plan members. Serving notice on the unscrupulous comes fast and is effective.
Our lawyers advise plan members on how to deal with possible Internet consumer fraud. The steps required to file a complaint are explained, and a strategy to achieve redress is created. The planning might require face-to-face meetings, and that is no problem. Our plan members have priority status, and our lawyers follow COVID-safe protocols. Meetings happen quickly in very safe environments.
Clients Are Consulted
Countrywide hopes to offer pre-paid legal services all employees can use. Management is the best source of information about what the workforce needs in a group legal plan. We will ask the decision-makers of a prospective client to help us out.
We provide information on all our services to the decision-makers, and we answer all their questions. They are asked to decide what benefit options will be in their program, and we include those selections in the final plan document. Countrywide will provide the member services and the administration.
Clients can anticipate their employees will be treated with respect and courtesy. We expect good communication skills from all our attorneys, and we recruit only those who show evidence of empathy and sensitivity to others. Emotional intelligence is one of our best qualities. If you want to know more about our pre-paid legal services, please feel free to contact us at your earliest convenience. We would like to tell you more about how we can help your employees.