
Putting an End to Shame and Stress

Debt Can Be Successfully Managed

Financial debt puts a heavy cross on a person’s shoulders. The mental and emotional distress of massive bills will occupy a person’s mind during the working hours. This could be a problem for management. Deadlines are tight, and people need to focus on the important issues. Decision-makers know that they need to remove any obstacles in the way of productivity.  A financial wellness program will provide great assistance. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is here to help management.

Countrywide operates a nationwide network of certified counselors who deal with personal budget problems. These people will work with a financial wellness plan member to straighten up a mess. Budget analysis is the first thing that is conducted; then the counselor works with the plan member to develop a sound strategy of financial responsibility.

Common Sense Dominates

The emphasis is on practical advice. A Countrywide counselor will show where changes can be made in a personal budget to meet payment requirements better. Different ideas, such as credit card debt consolidation for student loan payment programs, are discussed. No plan member is ever treated like a small child. This person is a part of the process of finding solutions. Working with the counselor, a way out of financial emergency is constructed. The counselor treats everyone with courtesy and respect. Such dignified behavior helps a person feel better. The sense of relief rapidly turns into one of gratitude, as the various options are shown to a once very stressed person. A plan member discovers that money problems can be fixed without going to bankruptcy court.

Other Employee Benefits are Helped

Organizations can benefit from having a financial wellness program. Human resources directors are mindful of how benefit programs impact each other. We have a kind of benefit that provides necessary support to other benefit programs the company has.

The Countrywide financial wellness plan could help with any employee assistance program or health insurance. By lowering stress levels of employees, Countrywide can have a positive impact on claims experience and other expenses. The Countrywide program will make existing benefit plans operate a little bit more efficiently. A company can get more out of every dollar spent on benefits.

We are proud of the number of options we provide which can be part of the final plan. It includes help with medical expenses and student loan debt. We realize that not every organization has the same type employees. Some options are what employees will need and others are not. We have a way of determining the correct options for a plan.


Experience Tells Us Choice Matters

We allow organizations to choose what options will be in the financial wellness plan. Our experience in working with organizations for 30 years assures us this is the proper thing to do. It means that the Countrywide benefit will be used and this is something that human resources directors like to see. We know that many times administrative details will slow down the delivery of needed assistance. Countrywide has a streamlined administration, which allows for almost immediate assistance. A certified counselor is located nearby, and the preliminary meetings can be set up quickly.

The motions and distress brought on by financial debt can cripple hard-working and productive employee Countrywide wants to take the burden off the back of these good people, and help them see a way to better security. Every one of our benefits has been proven to provide support that is needed and sincerely appreciated. The financial wellness program lets the staff know that management is concerned with employee well-being. It helps generate the kind of rapport and bond that leads to a healthy workplace.

If you have any questions about any of our benefit options, we would appreciate the opportunity to explain them in greater detail to you. Please do feel free to contact us and we will share with you all the ways Countrywide will be of service.


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