
Some Changes are Headaches

Government Regulations Will Change

Change is constant in life. You can expect to see different ways of doing things all the time, and the adjustment ordinarily is not a major event. The new administration in Washington is causing a change in rules and regulations governing various public agencies. It trickles down to the state and local levels, as elections change the bureaucratic landscape. Change can be necessary, but some revisions are going to cause sizable headaches. Help from a group legal plan is something a lot of people require.

A Flurry of New Rules

Public employees are sensitive to regulations. They will follow them regardless of any inconvenience it may cause. What frustrates people are all the changes in deadlines and information requirements. Rules on the books in December can be entirely different in April. The changes can require a person to go back to square one and start all over with the application process. It gets aggravating. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services understands the frustration the change can produce. We know that regulations will be revised from time to time, but we also know the anxiety new rules will cause. Our group legal plan provides legal assistance. A Countrywide attorney can help a plan member deal with public agencies on all levels.

Our Lawyers Know the Details

We select those lawyers who are part of our nationwide network for their understanding of change. These people stay current with all developments and know about the new rules. Anyone of our lawyers can help an individual complete revised application and keep to the new deadlines. Advice is just part of the pre-paid legal services Countrywide will provide.

Some of the new regulations may not be clear. The Countrywide attorney, on behalf of group legal plan member, will contact the agency. This can be either by telephone or written correspondence. A better understanding of what is needed can be thus achieved because the attorney knows whom to contact directly. It cuts through a lot of delaying red tape. A person may be confused about what is going on with a government department. It is easy to set up a face-to-face consultation with the Countrywide attorney. Other questions may arise, and an unlimited number of telephone calls on a given subject are permitted under the Countrywide plan. The pre-paid legal services we extend to plan members make it much easier to work with the public sector.

We Provide a Human Touch

There are two functions which are an integral part of a Countrywide benefit: empathy and efficiency. We insist that our lawyers have great personal skills and a Countrywide plan member is given priority. Countrywide backs up this direct assistance with a streamlined administration. We want people to get their pre-paid legal services as fast as possible. We go the extra mile to make that happen.

Organizations want to get a great return on investment and we help make that happen. Decision-makers for client get to choose what options will be part of their group legal plan. They may want assistance with public agencies but not so the other benefits. We understand that. We want clients to create a benefit all their employees can use. Whatever is finally selected is going to be part of the plan document. We will make suggestions but at the end of the day the client decides.

Many people get anxious about dealing with the government because they are afraid of bureaucratic red tape. Those obstacles vanish when a Countrywide attorney is in charge. The slow process of government picks up speed, and a plan member gets the needed help. Prompt and professional service is what anyone can expect from Countrywide. All our benefit options are intended to provide maximum assistance. We encourage decision makers to contact us and find out more about the Countrywide advant

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