
Stop the Madness!

College Debt Obligations Are Confusing

The good news is academia has begun to take seriously the need to educate students about their postgraduate loan payments. Indiana University sends out annual letters telling students how much they can expect to pay per month on the existing loans. The intent is to encourage them to borrow only what is necessary and make smart decisions. The not so good news is this doesn’t help those who already graduated. The financial wellness of many graduates is pretty murky. These people can use some good advice to get out of fiscal quicksand.

Confusion Reigns Supreme

College graduates leave campus with a market basket full debt obligations. There are federal loans, bank loans, and any other sort of debt that requires repayment. Students used every avenue to get the money they needed to pay for college, and are left with a confusion of requirements. Grace periods are not the only thing that can be bewildering. The amount of monthly payments, the question of forbearance, and just being able to budget for the debt can make anyone wring their hands. Colleges can provide some information but their commitment to the individual starts to fade once that person moves on. It helps to have a counselor. This professional can look through all of the debt and guide a person. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has a financial wellness plan that enables employers to help recent college graduates get a grip on the situation.

More Than Just an Opinion

Talk is cheap and often people get free advice from amateurs. The ideas are coming from family and friends who have no concept of debt payment strategies. This is why the Countrywide program can be so beneficial. We have a network of financial wellness counselors that is nationwide. A plan member gets easy access to someone who is knowledgeable about college debt. Anyone who is concerned about being embarrassed does not need to worry. Countrywide wants to help. Our financial wellness counselors are not the kind of people who will preach a sermon of fiscal responsibility to anyone. Instead, the counselors go through various debt obligations and make sense of the whole thing. It isn’t very long before the plan member has a blueprint of action. He or she has a better idea of what needs to be done. A budget is prepared and some options for repayment, such as electronic transfers, can be instituted. The confusion melts away like fog in the noonday sun.

Employers Get a Benefit

Organizations want their employees to be focused on the work at hand. It is not easy to do that when college debt hangs over one’s shoulders. Countrywide permits the opportunity to relieve the new employee of these problems. The consequence for an organization is a better focused worker.

We appreciate that an employer knows more about its staff than we do. Countrywide lets the client organization decide what financial wellness benefits will be part of the final plan. It permits a better response to the actual needs of employees. We go one step further and have a streamlined administration which produces quick results. All this is in addition to the professional courtesy and respect we give to every financial wellness plan member. We seek to serve.

There are so many guidelines and regulations for various college debt that anyone can get flustered. Countrywide can give the kind of advice that cuts through a forest of confusing financial jargon. We do more than just help with college debt. There are other options in our plan for an organization. We encourage decision-makers to contact us and find out all about our assistance and benefit choices. We can help hard-working people focus better on their working goals and objectives

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