
Taking Care of an Emergency – Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services Can Help with the Unexpected

Sudden expenses can cause anxiety and panic. The emotions lead to poor decisions which will cause even greater problems. Those who do not understand how to manage their money can be in a state of confusion and stress. Their financial wellness can be in trouble.

Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services wants to help people maintain control of their money. We believe most cash problems can be resolved with proper advice and guidance. We have a Financial Wellness benefit that allows people to resolve those financial emergencies which arise.

The Use of Experienced Counselor.

It is not enough to post advice on a webpage. Those who do not know what to do will appreciate personal contact. Countrywide will use its network of certified counselors to help reduce the stress and regain financial wellness.

Our counselors will use face-to-face meetings to serve a plan member. A budget analysis is an essential tool the counselors uses to gather necessary information. A plan member’s cash flow is reviewed. If some alterations will make money management more efficient, the counselor will suggest them. The guidance will help pay some bills and release money to pay others.

It is important that the counselor advise and not lecture. Countrywide knows that, at the end of the day, it is the plan member who will make the decisions on what to do. The counselor is responsible for offering solutions and suggestions. No sermons are allowed. Empathy and respect are part of our services and we insist counselors exhibit those qualities to everyone.

Dealing with the Crisis

Financial problems grow to a crisis stage. Debt can overwhelm anyone and will lead to bankruptcy or foreclosure. Countrywide will help put out the fire. We provide a Debt Management Plan for those in financial jeopardy. This program provides additional customer service and education for the plan member. A formal plan is developed to present to creditors, and this can help lower interest payments, waive any fees, and consolidate the debt into an affordable repayment plan. It will cost a little bit more than the Financial Wellness Plan, but it is worthwhile.

Other employees may have trouble with a delinquent mortgage. Our counselors can provide the assistance that can bring about a loan modification.

Bankruptcy may be inevitable. Countrywide can help. We can provide the credit counseling mandated by the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005  We can also furnish the financial management instructional course needed for the debt to be discharged.

The Role of the Employer

Countrywide wants its benefits to be something that employees use. The only way to assure that is to ask the employer to select those benefits which be part of their plan. We understand that although we have some very good benefit options, not all of them are going to be selected. It is more important to us that those benefits which are chosen are going to be used by all the employees of the organization.

Regardless of the selections, Countrywide will provide some of the best member services in the financial wellness industry. We have a streamlined administration that permits assistance to be delivered as soon as possible. The counselors give our plan members priority status, making everything move that much quicker. Every member is treated with courtesy and we respect their needs. There is no reason to be nervous about any meeting with a Countrywide counselor.

Our benefits are intended to help with ordinary financial problems. These services are also there to assist in time of great emergency. Employees should not have to be weighed down by anxiety over their financial situation. A forward-looking employer provides considerable help when a Financial Wellness Plan is available.

If you have any questions about our services, please feel free to contact us at your convenience. We want to be able to explain to you how Countrywide will help all your employees with financial matters.

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