
Taking Stock of Things Planning Personal Finances

January is the start of a new year and a new tomorrow for many. Resolutions are made with every intention of being met. Some of these good thoughts can use a little help from experienced professionals.


Financial Wellness Is Pondered


Folks often take stock of their finances as the new year starts. They want to plan how to meet expenses and save for large purchases. These are common planning objectives, and some are quite important.


Medical procedures can be on the horizon. Questions about meeting deductibles must be pondered. The six-month grace period is over for many June graduates. How will the budget for those college loan payments? Spring is house-hunting season. First-time buyers do not know what to do. Justifiably, all these people would benefit from getting outside help. That is what they can expect from the Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services financial wellness plan.


We Can Help with Future Planning


The core of our service offerings is a nationwide network of certified counselors. They are financial professionals who help plan members address everyday economic issues.


The budget building is not easy for a novice. Countrywide can help. Our counselors will do a budget analysis so a person can understand his or her cash. It is essential to know about any assets that can be liquidated for ready use. Countrywide will assist. Our financial wellness counselors can perform an asset inventory, which will determine a person’s overall value. 

Those who need to know more about house hunting do not have to go any further than us. Countrywide provides a self-study program that educates a plan member about real estate. Those issues that impact financial wellness are what our counselors address.


The Individual Matters


Countrywide services are direct. The counselors give priority to our plan members and there is no problem with scheduling a meeting. Social distancing is always observed. Our counselors are masters of empathy, and plan members are treated with courtesy and respect. We listen to a problem and then work with a person to meet any needs.


The Client Matters, Too


We believe that the input of the client is critical for a good benefits plan. We do not provide a boilerplate, take it, or leave it benefit. What we will do is work with the client to develop something that all employees can use.


We begin by explaining to a client all our benefit options. Any questions are answered, and we explain what we, as a vendor, will do for a client. Clients can expect a streamlined administration and quick delivery of service. Those options that the organization wants to see in the benefit will be there in the final plan document. Countrywide then spends considerable time interacting with the client and making sure that everything is precisely in order.


Employees appreciate employee benefits that meet everyday needs. Financial wellness is not a fad anymore. Research is showing that help with things such as budgeting is what employees would like to see. Our counselors guide the way to resolve any problems and allow a person to take better command of their financial wellness. Our attention to detail and our commitment to quality are reasons why Countrywide Pre—Paid Legal Services is an industry leader.


People will remember the help they receive in getting their finances in order. Our benefit is a great way to establish a good rapport and relationship with employees this coming year. If you have any questions about what we offer, please feel free to contact us. We will answer all your questions and we look forward to having the opportunity to explain how Countrywide can make 2021 a better year for your workers.

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