
The Consequences of a Living Will

Final Instructions are followed

A medical crisis is a grim possibility. A serious or unexpected cardiac arrest can suddenly put a very active person into a comatose state. This is a serious form of medical limbo wherein the victim is still physically alive but unable to communicate. It is a rare situation that has a person being kept alive by medical support machines. That is what hospitals are required to do even though it is clear the individual never again be conscious. Families have to endure a situation where they do not have the authority to bring about closure. It is a dire circumstance and a group legal services plan that permits the drafting of a living will prevents this from happening.

The Important Instructions

The living will concerns itself with the medical treatment a group legal plan member is to receive in the event of an emergency, a long-term debilitating illness, or the approach of death. It outlines in no uncertain terms what procedures are to be used and what are not to be when the individual is no longer able to communicate rationally. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has preparation of a living will as an option in the Personal Legal Protector Plan. Included in the group legal services is the assistance of an attorney in drafting the document. This professional is part of the Countrywide network which is a cornerstone of any Countrywide group legal plan. The attorney will carefully explain what has to be in a living will to make it effective. It will spell out precisely what medical treatments will be provided to the individual and the circumstances under which the treatments are to be provided. The living will also instructs when medical treatments are to cease.

This information is extremely important to the medical facility. With clear instructions the staff will provide the specified treatment, and treatment, ceased doing it at the appropriate time. It takes a great burden off the shoulders of the plan member’s family. They are not faced with the agonizing life or death decisions; the living will takes care of that. What is essential is that the language be in precise legal terminology. That is why the Countrywide attorney is so important. The final document is something that is in line with existing law, and assigns responsibility for given actions.

The Empathy Truly Matters

This is perhaps one of the hardest documents for any individual to have drafted. It is recognition that there will be circumstances when decisions can no longer be communicated. A Countrywide attorney offers sensitive customer service as part of the group legal services to a plan member. This person only understands the emotions of the plan member, and will proceed gently with all of the work. No one is treated like a number. Countrywide expects its attorneys to provide a level of empathy that is above and beyond the ordinary. It is a reason why our benefits are held in such high regard by our clients.

Employers want the very best for their employees, and private insurance exchanges wish to offer clients an array of options that cover legal needs. Countrywide has designed group legal plan benefits since 1987, and we are familiar with all types of organizations. We can develop a group legal services plan that is exactly what an individual client want. We are flexible enough to provide only those services which are deemed necessary. Our administration is simple so that the benefits can be delivered quickly and efficiently to any plan member. We provide a number of other options that can be part of any group legal plan, including ID theft among others. We would welcome the opportunity to explain in greater detail how we can be of service. Any interested party should feel free to get in touch with us.

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