
Waking Up from a Bureaucratic Nightmare

Putting a Problem to Rest


Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has been developing group legal plan benefits since 1987. We’ve seen during that time any number of issues that a person needs legal assistance in resolving. Some of these are minor irritants and others are major issues. Dealing with public agencies falls somewhere in the middle of that list.

The Forest of the Regulations

It doesn’t matter what level of government a person is required to deal with. There are regulations and provisions that need to be followed. Of course, these are all intended to make sure things are done properly and that government money is not wasted. The problem is that sometimes one mistake can force the entire process to start all over again. This is extremely frustrating and it can be very time-consuming. Employees without hesitation will use company time to make the phone calls needed to fix things with the government. Human resources knows that is going to happen. They also know that there has to be a way to cut the time spent on the phone and remove a distraction. Group legal services that include help with public agencies can assist in what is turning into a massive nightmare.

Making Progress through a Labyrinth.

It sometimes appears that public agencies are nothing more than winding corridors and successfully getting through them is difficult. A person needs group legal services that moves the process and cuts down on all the wait time. Countrywide has a network of attorneys who are familiar with how the bureaucracy works. Indeed, they may know ways to get things done quicker because they deal with public sector employees all the time. It is quite possible that a telephone call from a Countrywide attorney is the only group legal plan benefit needed. A conversation with the right person can open up a door that was once firmly shut. It also can be correspondence on letterhead stationery that breaks the logjam. Countrywide attorneys don’t strong-arm anybody but use their highly toned diplomatic skills to get the wheels rolling once again.

Progress can be very slow and a plan member can get extremely frustrated. Our attorneys offer something that many group legal services companies don’t: they listen. Plan members often get angry because they feel that nobody is paying attention to their particular needs and just going through the motions. We think that is not right at all. Our attorneys have the kind of people skills and concentrates on listening carefully to determine exactly what is necessary. To be sure, our attorneys want to help expedite any issue a public agency. Yet at the same time they will take the time to fully understand what a plan member needs. Human resources should know that we treat every individual separately. Everyone in a Countrywide group legal plan gets a high level of empathy and efficiency from the attorneys. Those can be considered the unwritten part of the plan document.
We Design for the Client.
Human resources directors will want benefits all employees can use. They know that their employees are different from some other organization and they fully expect that a group legal plan be developed exclusively for their own employees. Countrywide expects that in our design work. We tailor everything to fit what we are told the workforce needs. We do it in an expeditious manner; no one has to wait lengthy periods. Working with the organization’s decision-makers, Countrywide will provide exactly what is the best for the workforce.

Government agencies can drive a person crazy and make it hard to concentrate on important business matters. Countrywide is able to take on the burden, and produce results. The wheels of government will move faster once a Countrywide attorney is involved.

Countrywide takes proactive steps to get a group legal services plan member out of the government cubicle maze with an emphasis on ASAP.

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