
What Did that Lease Say?

Some Leases are legally outdated

A lease is a written agreement ordinarily used in the rental of property. It is a contract specifying what is required of the one who leases (lessee), and the one who is the property owner (lessor). This can be used for apartment rentals, use of equipment, and storage space among other possibilities. It does happen now and then the lease contains stipulations that are not legally enforceable (For example, the lease may insist that any disputes be handled through arbitration, which is against a state’s law). This happens if the lessor is using an outdated lease agreement. Not many people are aware of this possibility and too often go along with what is required. An individual who is a group legal plan member can have an attorney check the document.

It Is Not Necessarily Legal

Most states have landlord tenant laws and other statutes that govern lease agreements. No one is required to give up rights that are theirs by law. A very worthwhile group legal services benefit is an attorney inspecting the language of the lease to see if it is enforceable. If it is clear that the lease document is an old one the attorney can then notify the plan member of this. A comprehensive group legal plan will go one step further in helping the individual plan member.

A group legal services benefit which can be used is communication. The attorney can write on behalf of the plan member a letter to the lessor, indicating the existing lease is invalid and needs to be renegotiated. A telephone call could also be used. If the lessor is reluctant then steps can be taken to file a formal complaint with the state attorney general’s office. In this situation the attorney can help advise the plan member on what needs to be done. Hopefully, a lessor will see reason and have a new lease drafted.

Countrywide Provides the Service Needed

We believe that no one should have to deal with a lease that is outdated. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services includes interpretation of legal documents up to six pages as a group legal services benefit. Our attorneys will help any plan member interpret a lease in light of existing law. The lawyer will also educate the individual on what his or her rights are, and how they can be enforced by consumer protection agencies. The plan member has a better appreciation of what a lease is supposed to have in it, and has assistance necessary to make things right.

Countrywide attorneys are noted for having extremely good people skills. They will patiently explain legal language that is often confusing and hard to understand. Extra group legal plan services such as writing letters or making telephone calls are what our attorneys will do without question. We want to see to it that a bad lease is terminated and one which is fair replace it. The group legal plan member can rest assured that the new lease will be reviewed by the attorney if that is requested.

Countrywide Service Is Immediate

No matter who the person is the attention given to his or her problem is immediate. Countrywide attorneys are expected to go into action as soon as a plan member’s problem is brought to their attention. Countrywide helps in quick service with the administrative process that is deliberately tailored to provide assistance without unnecessary delays. We have been in the group legal services industry since 1987 and work with all types of organizations. We tailor our plans to fit the needs and expectations of our client. It is our way of seeing to it that the employees receive the best possible legal assistance when it is necessary. We encourage decision-makers and human resources directors to get in touch with us about our benefits. What we have is exactly what their employees need to resolve legal problems. Contact us today to learn more about the offerings of Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal.

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