
What Do I Have? Where Is It Going? – Folks Need to Know More About Their Money

Financial wellness is an honest concern in many households. Our overuse of credit cards will increase personal debt and double-digit interest rates add to the bill. Sudden medical emergencies and the monthly payment of college loans will eat up a paycheck. Being nervous about financial wellness appears to be the modern way of life. It doesn’t need to be that way at all. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is here to give needed help.

It Starts with a Budget

Recent college graduates and Millennials are very tech smart; there is no question about that. But being digitally bright does not mean having any understanding of finances

Young employees spent college years worrying about grades. A personal budget was something to worry about after graduation. These new employees are now in the real world and having trouble juggling finances.

Countrywide provides access to a nationwide network of certified financial wellness counselors. They work in our client’s communities and a scheduling an appointment is not a problem. A counselor is available almost immediately after initial contact.

A counselor will help a plan member create a budget that the employee can live with. Suggestions on how to deal with credit card or college loan payments permit a plan member to get greater control over personal finances. Some of these people, believe it or not, don’t quite know how much they have left at the end of every month. Countrywide can help eliminate any uncertainty.

Getting Ready for Major Buying

Big purchases such as buying a house can be frightening. No one wants to face a foreclosure and finding a means of financing the mortgage debt is essential. Countrywide will do more than design budgets.

We will perform an asset inventory for a financial wellness plan member. The inventory shows what a person has, which can be included in a mortgage loan application. The inventory also uncovers what needs be sold to increase the down payment size. Our self-study course, “Make Your Move,” has good advice and information about buying a house. A plan member will go into the house buying season with a better idea of what to do.

Countrywide supplies other types of information and services for a plan member. The primary goal is to give a person a better sense of control over his or her financial wellness and a better idea of their current financial situation.

Working with the Client

We would like to provide a benefit every employee of an organization might use. It is hard for us to meet that objective because we don’t know what each employee needs. The client is therefore given the opportunity to choose what options will be part of the plan. We know the decision-makers have a better idea of what their workforce would like to have, and selections made will be part of the final plan document.

The level of service we give all plan members is something the client can expect. Countrywide puts a great priority on emotional intelligence. Our counselors are required to show empathy, courtesy, and respect to all plan members no matter what the problem might be. We do not feel that giving lectures or sermons is a way to help anybody with their financial situation. Our counselors are problem solvers and that is what they are to do.

Our administration is designed for quick service. It is streamlined and efficient, responding quickly to any need for help. Countrywide is proud of knowing that no plan member is required to wait an unnecessary period of time for assistance. Our attention to individual plan members is a reason why we are a leader in the industry.

Please contact us at your earliest convenience to find out more about our services. We would welcome the opportunity to explain Countrywide’s ability to help your employees have a better understanding of their financial situation and how we can help promote their financial wellness.

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