
Where there is a Living Will

Tough Decisions are Easier

The future is rarely certain and crisis can come unexpectedly. A major auto accident or a cardiac arrest can place a person into a state of coma, where his or her instructions are not possible to be received. This poses a very serious medical problem, because the healthcare center does not know what else to do but keep a person on a life-support system. If there is written indication beforehand of what to do when a person cannot effectively communicate, that makes things a lot easier. Drafting a living will is a legal benefit that is ordinarily part of a group legal plan. It helps a plan member prepare for the worst.

Providing Needed Instructions

A living will communicates to the healthcare providers what is to be done in the case of medical emergencies, the possibility of long-term illness, and even imminent death. It serves as the guide for all of the medical treatment to be used. It can even give instructions as to when life-support systems are to be shut off. This all does seem a little bit drastic and is not something many people are comfortable thinking about. However, there is no guarantee that anyone placed on a life-support system will ever regain consciousness or be able to lead a meaningful life. The instructions will convey the wish of a legal benefit plan member as to whether life-support activity should continue after a specified point.

A living will takes an enormous emotional burden off the backs of family and loved ones. It is an excruciating decision to have to request that life-support efforts be stopped. The stipulations of the living will can eliminate any guilt feelings a person may have, because the wishes of the person are being followed. A group legal plan covers a lot of circumstances and if the drafting of a living will is one of the features, it provides a great deal of assistance in a very emotional situation. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offers preparation of living wills as a legal benefit.

Considerate Service is Standard

Living wills are drafted by the attorneys who are part of a Countrywide group legal plan. This network of professionals are experienced in creating a document that specifically points out what is to be done in the event of a plan member being mentally incapacitated. This is a legal benefit that is performed with a great deal of empathy. Our attorneys understand that this is a very serious and emotional matter. They will go over any living will draft with a plan member before is finalized, pointing out the meaning of each clause and answering any questions. If a person has any doubts about the document, he or she is entitled to an unlimited number of phone calls to the attorney for questions to be answered. Courtesy is a standard feature of any group legal plan we develop. It is why so many people have commented favorably on our services.

Human resources knows that a person on life support may never regain consciousness, but the use of the equipment all counts as medical claims to be paid from the company medical plan. The living will ordinarily gives a point beyond which no more medical treatment is to be provided, which brings an end to the cost. The administration of any legal benefit plan provided by Countrywide is extremely easy. We can also tailor the plan to the expectations and needs of an employer. Countrywide seeks to be as flexible as possible in design work.

The peace of mind that a living will gives to family and loved ones cannot be denied. Countrywide can draft a living will that covers all of the wishes of a plan member. There are also other legal services we provide that can be beneficial. Please feel free to contact us and we will be glad to go over everything that Countrywide is capable of doing in providing service.

Give your employees a benefit that can last a life time. Contact us today to request a presentation or a proposal.

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